How to Pray?

How to Pray? - The photo shows to hands being closed which symbolizes prayer.
November 2, 2010 7:20am CST
My friends in school always tell me that prayer is all that is really needed in life. They believe that through prayer it can help in life as a source of strength and a communication to God. They are comforted when they are in times of troubles if they pray heartily and seriously to God. Time comes that I was convinced in their testimony that prayer is helpful in life but I never tried. Will you help me or give me a tip on how to pray?
4 responses
@tkonlinevn (6438)
• Vietnam
4 Nov 10
Pray is the time you come back with yourself. So, any time you need to be peace, please close your eyes and to talk to God. You will realize that this time is very wonderful.
• India
3 Nov 10
how to pray...?good thing to know abt the concept of prayer. u r asking others to help you on how to pray rite? it means u started believing in god a bit more and u r expecting help frm things beyond ur logic and some personal things. frankly god is all n he is for's people who divided and built different ways to pray to the almighty god existed before we exist so he just listens to you everytime you speak to him this is what we people termed as "prayer". so dnt follow any way or any ritual n stop finding ways to pray.just start praying a cute little innocent kid asks his father to get his favorite christmas a husband asking his wife to be with him in his worst times.just ask as raw as it gets.imagine you talking to ur god on a wi-fi based private phone frm ur personal room.dats it. hope you understood my discussion n learn't something useful even 1%
@bird123 (10632)
• United States
3 Nov 10
Praying is the easiest thing you could ever do. God hears it all. A prayer can be as simple as a thought.
@cadguy08 (1224)
• Canada
2 Nov 10
Just be sincere when you call God , I usually just say words that I need Him in my life and give me faith , guide, and strengthen my heart to be with Him all the time and help us in our life. And repent all your sins to Him by just talking to Him alone. God Blessed you and family.