Is she too Fat?

Yazzy - Cute little girl who is holding a flower.
United States
November 2, 2010 12:42pm CST
I am currently watching a popular television show, when a husband opens up his mouth and states that his 115lb wife was too fat. The woman was fed up with the way he constantly berated her weight, when clearly she hadn't a morsel of fat on her. He stated she was a "heffer" while she was pregnant with their son. They both agreed that the only time that she ever weighed a lot was while she was pregnant. Is it me, or does this man have a really big problem?
2 responses
• United States
2 Nov 10
This man has a major problem indeed. Oh my gosh how does the woman feel about how he is conveying here tiny self as being fat. Hopefully she gets strong and dump him as who the heck needs a partner to put someone down even if she was fat, who is he to be downing her instead of helping her. What a destructive relationship, indeed.
• United States
2 Nov 10
The judge didn't recommend the divorce, they have to try to work it out in 6 months, if they cannot work it out they have to to go back to divorce court. The girl stated he neede to move out, he said he was willing to gt counseling and he gave a half hearted apology.
2 Nov 10
Yeah, this man has a problem. Every woman will look fat when she's pregnant, there's no doubt about it, as she has a freaking baby inside of her!
• United States
2 Nov 10
That is exactly what the judge said. She said there was a whole person living inside of her.