Do you llike travelling lot? Why?

@mayrah (1144)
United States
November 3, 2010 2:50am CST
There are people who needs to travel a lt because their jobs require them too. And there are also people who just travel because they fid it very pleasurable. They find joy in going to other places that they haven't been before, just to unwind and refresh their mind. These people usually want to relieve from stress from their job and they find going out of town an outlet to refresh their spirits and forget about the pressures and problems they encountered from their work. However traveling is costly.For me traveling is fun, specially if it's a call of duty. I wonder how enjoyable it is to work in a company where all you have to is travel fro different places. How about you D you find traveling as fun? Why?
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13 responses
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
3 Nov 10
Traveling to different countries is my top hobby. In my life so far I have traveled to more than fifty different countries. I travel for my own enjoyment and I find it very pleasurable. I find that visiting a different country gives me a chance to meet the local people, find out about their culture and see the native wildlife. I love to visit cities with attractive looking architecture. Like in 2007 I went to Lisbon as part of a trip in Portugal. In 2008 I traveled around the three Baltic countries: Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. I was able include visits to Riga, Vilnius and Tallinn. Then in 2009 I visited Cape Town and the Garden Route. This summer my trip to Canada included a visit to Vancouver. I adore visiting tropical islands. In 2001 I went to French Polynesia and the Cook Islands on my way to New Zealand. Then in 2002 on my way back from New Zealand I went to Samoa. In 2004 I went to the Seychelles which was followed by a trip to the Maldives in 2005. Then in 2006 I went to Caye Caulker as part of my travels in Belize, Guatemala and Mexico. Traveling refreshes my spirit and makes me feel very happy. I take lots of photos and try to find a costume doll for my collection of dolls from all around the world.
• Malaysia
3 Nov 10
Hi there Maximax8 you sound like a frequent traveler..oh wait, f coz u are! I mean, fifty countries? That's a LOT! Have you ever been to Russia or Malaysia before? and I'd love to see your photos :D pretty pleeeease -.-
• Philippines
3 Nov 10
wow! 50 countries! I myself love to travel as well but so far just to different parts of our country. This month I'll be traveling to another country for the first time! I'm more than excited and I envy you for being able to travel so much, if only I have the money I would like to travel as much as you do :)
@funkykid (441)
• India
3 Nov 10
yes i like travelling a travelling to different places you an learn much about the world where you an meet different people with different attitudes,religions,languages,traditions,etc.. I love experience them.travels jobs might be the best option to experience them because the company pays for our expenses and you earn your salary also for doing some work that you are assinged at the place you go.s that will be fun i guess. have a nice day.Happy mylotting :D
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
3 Nov 10
Well I agree with it's very interesting to find a jb that will pay you to travel. Hope I can find that job.(lol)
@hanni711 (243)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
I do find it pleasurable to travel or go to places I have never been. But it takes planning and decision because it is really costly. It is also an advantage to look for promos at the airlines because they do offer low fares. It's really fun to travel because i want to see the beauty of GOD's creation.
• Portugal
4 Nov 10
yes must be cool to work in a company where you travel for fun^^ i would like to travel to other countries yes but couldnt yet. just went to spain was too little so dont remember^^ but i would like to travel soon^^ but for now i dont have money :( anyway i will do my best to save some good money^^ travel is good bcs you know new places and can also make new friends^^ also is like you say most part of people travel bcs of stress :) and i wish i could relax ^^
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
If I've got the time and the money to travel I'd love to travel to beautiful beaches in the world. I love swimming and I just like spending time in the water. Beautiful white sand beach, the coral reefs, the color fish and the under water sights really amazes me. I'd love to go to the beach where there are less people though. I don't like too crowded places. This is the only thing that can totally blow off my mind and make me feel calm and relax.
• India
4 Nov 10
i love to travel a lot and exploring the place which i have not seen. But i hate to that alone. I want to be with my friends while travelling so that i will not feel any bore. And ofcourse i feel travelling a pleasure but the places which iam going to be see must be fully nature representing or it must be fully romantic. And i would like to visit the places which are chill and cool so that i can enjoy the nature shivering my body and having a hot sip of coffee.... Thats i feel a pleasure. And moreover which i like is holding my girls hand travelling the places talking to her and walking with her....
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
3 Nov 10
I love travelling a lot myself. Every year I would go to at least one place for travel. I prefer going by road if possible as that allows me to interact with the people at these places. I also love to taste the local food, though my choices are often limited as I am a vegetarian. But so far at least in India I have enjoyed most of my travels as in India there is usually a good chance of vegetarian eat outs. Cheers! Ram
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
3 Nov 10
I like traveling because I can have different experience and it is relaxing to be without work. However, I can't travel as much as I want. The money and the time are the problem. The traveling fee can be expensive. Meanwhile it is not easy to take a day off work. And it is crowded during the holidays. So it is not easy to travel. I love China
• Philippines
3 Nov 10
I love to travel specially by land. I prefer long bus rides. And I prefer travelling alone. It gives me all the time to reflect and appreciate my surroundings. I love going North of the Philippines coz mostly what I see are rice fields and farms lined with trees. I love nature!
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
3 Nov 10
I never really found the need to travel all that much. Every now and again is find and if there is a good purpose, then it might be good. However, I never really travel for the sake of traveling, even if it is a short distance. Unless there is a purpose, I will not really go somewhere. I never really go to places for the sake of going places. Plus a lot of the times, it is not within my budget to travel. So that is another reason why I do not like to travel. So yeah, the cost is leading to it. I can understand why people would find doing a lot of traveling as something that is fun. However it is not just my cup of tea. I guess I just enjoy staying in my zone, only venturing out when I feel like I need to. But that is just the way that I do things, I guess.
@hati3kuro (269)
• Malaysia
3 Nov 10
Wow this is a really interesting topic to begin with... hmm how should I put it... the more we see the world, the more we meet other people from other places with different cultures, beliefs and ideologies, the more you'd find it interesting that we are all made up from the same origin, but yet so far away in thoughts.. I would say that traveling ought to open our minds, to broaden our horizon..and that is the best way for the trip to be meaningful and memorable.. are you going somewhere in the nearest time?? :P
• India
4 Nov 10
i love travelling lot.Because it makes me very fresh than the normalday.So, i like travelling a lot.
@calpro (930)
• India
3 Nov 10
Yes i do love traveling.I am a nature loving guy and I like to explore new places and cities.I plan my travels well in advance to adjust it to my budget. How about you.