Less Jobs Mean Bad News For US!!

@payout (3794)
United States
November 3, 2010 7:19pm CST
With no jobs and people getting laid off it will be a hard Christmas because with no Jobs means not that means less shoppers, which means less hours for the workers because money is going down. Which means hard time paying bills then that leads to. Bankrupt then you try to find a second job but its so hard to find another job if no one is hiring because money is Down. If the United States Don't fix this problem its going to be Horrible and I mean Very Horrible. BlockBuster, Wilmington Trust, and etc are all Bankrupt which means Job Lose.
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12 responses
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
4 Nov 10
As soon as the crooks figured out how to get around the system we went into a downward spiral. Real estate dug us out of every recession and the Great depression. We have no real estate market and the crooks are still there!
@payout (3794)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Real Estate Everything seems to be a mess now they are trying to create Programs and Department stores are have big sales and they are really biting at each other to be on the top. Not only that people don't have any more money now. People arent paying there Credit Cards, they don't have enough money. They are no jobs available I think they warn us a long time ago about this happening but hey here it comes. I think in the Great Depression 11% was unemployed I dont know the percentage now but its getting there which is very Bad almost scary
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
4 Nov 10
I'm more afraid of what will come. We are sitting at about 8% unemployment as a nation. It won't take much to get us up to and over 11%
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@payout (3794)
• United States
4 Nov 10
I thought that was the number but i don't like thinking about it will drive me crazy
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
4 Nov 10
well it isnt as bad here in canada but canadian jobs moving to the US means the same for us here.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
5 Nov 10
Yeah I think when a very popular and Large Country like the United States that trades with many other countries becomes in a horrible state that they lose a lot of money and jobs are being lost and more poor people are being more populated every country gets hit
@payout (3794)
• United States
8 Nov 10
How is Canada doing overall. ?
4 Nov 10
Its not a good sign when lots of people are losing there jobs, but hopefully it gets better or at least starts to soon as its going to be bad for everyone if others are losing there jobs, because if theres no other jobs to go to... whos going to pay for them to live. The government does need to think about that when they cut spending in the UK and USA.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
4 Nov 10
It's a very bad sign it's a sign of another depression and that means very bad news for us and all the other countries that we trade with. You are right the government needs to wake up and smell the coffee. People are going to die slowly if they keep this up. I think this christmas and this black Friday isn't going to be as big as the pass holidays.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Yeah, it will be hard for everyone, and it will not be easy for people who has financial problem. Because they might rather stingy, and tight up their wallet. This season of shopping time might not be that much. The only chance to lure more customers from those stores just have to lower the price.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
5 Nov 10
I agree with you 100% my friend I think this holiday season.. Stores and mayjor companies profits are going to go down down and before you know it they will have no choice but to lower there prices. Some stores are coming up with ways for there customers to save money like opening a credit card and save 15%-30% off and etc. have 50% off sales and 60-70 and more. Thats the only way for people to come but even that will be too much for some.
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
4 Nov 10
Here in Australia, we really feel for you guys. If it gets too tough up there, come down here where your education & skills are badly needed & highly respected. Our employment is fantastic, our economy is booming off the back of mining & our dollar is on parity (today's figures) with the US dollar. Failing that, you guys have some of the best online earning opportunities in the world available to you now. Your online businesses sell every day to Australia & China. The US has always bounced back from the greatest disasters & can do so again. We're thinking of sending families over there Christmas presents. Hope you can all ride the storm . All the best with your elections.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
4 Nov 10
That's awesome, good to hear that people are still giving because over here no wants to help anyone and if you do sometimes they use you and throw you in the trash. Jobs use to pay more it was a good start pay now most are starting at minimum wage. Which is to is being money hungry. I know united states have got out of it in the pass but I wasn't born yet to see those days. I don't want to see them coming in this time. I think education over here means something out didn't have a strong stand as was before.
@akari77 (123)
• Philippines
4 Nov 10
I think it will soon. They are getting their way to gain their losses. It's just it will take time. Hope US economy gets back. Other countries are also affected when its economy fell. Hope things get better. We need to pray for it while those got laid off should find new jobs and not to be picky for the meantime. God bless us all.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
4 Nov 10
I know thats what Im doing right now just praying so is me vand my father finding a good job and to be honest Im trying to get anything that can give me hours the more hours the better if I get paid minimum wage I dont mind just need some hours to be honest. cant be picky your right
• United States
4 Nov 10
I agree times are tough and going to get tougher if something doesn't change. The real sad part is that a lot of businesses would rather go bankrupt and keep whatever money they were able to make than take a less profit in the tough times. Lets face companies can hire they won't because they don't want to lose one dime of anything. They are waiting to see if the Republicans can keep their promise to keep the Bush tax cuts in place for the wealthiest of Americans. I don't think they can and all of the little people will continue to suffer.
@payout (3794)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Its sad, But pathetic that companies dont want to give any money and you are right because I work in retail and they dont want to give up any money. Hours are crappy and thay just step all over you. it makes me very anger very very anger. You are right the big people survive and the little people with little education or consider poor have nothing and have to have crappy jobs. to education is good but sometimes the people I ran into that have a high degree are dumb as a bat. and I haven't started college yet and I plan to but in this hard times it hard because money is hard to get. Then they want to increase the value of the dollar well increase our pay but that wouldn't help because things are the same crap. equal, equal levels
• United States
4 Nov 10
Oh we all in the US are so very worried as many have been discussing that this country is heading for yet another depression and do not know if it can actually recover another time around. It seems that we are too knee deep and no one is coming up with any solutions, outside of making the rich, richer and the poor just poor.
@payout (3794)
• United States
4 Nov 10
Yes the rich are getting richer but the rich are being selfish they are worry about there needs and the poor isn't getting just poor they are losing everything. They are staying poor they cant grow but everything needs to change someone needs to think of something. listen to the people because we are the ones going through the crap not them.
@payout (3794)
• United States
4 Nov 10
wow, Im sorry to hear that right now Im good because its me and my Boyfriend and we both work so we have control of the bills plus we have a roommate and His mom stays as well and they give about a total of $600-700 in rent and we pay the rest of the bills. But I understand my father was going through the same thing.. Right now his apartments are taking him to court and his job doesn't want to give up unemployment. Life is hard for him and he take cares my brother and sisters. All I can tell you to vdo vis have faith and Pray. you have a lot of time on mylot so I hope you also are applying at jobs as well. Im sure you make a lot here on mylot or good pocket money since I see your post all the time .. you are a true mylotter. :) Really mean that
• United States
4 Nov 10
Don't I know how this is going and feeling as I lost my job early this year, no absolute income, lost my house and the creditors screaming and blowing up my phone. So if anyone knows what is going on I sure do, and wished it were different but from the direction that things are going does not look like anytime soon.
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@gnomeland (421)
4 Nov 10
i agree with you that things are gonna get very tough but hey not as tough as the u.k had it in the second world war right up to the 1950s when our parents grew up with rationing. we forget how our families and older neighbours lived through the depression in the usa and learnt the true value of mother earths gifts. maybe we needed a wake up call to be a little more frugal and less of a throw away society.i know the less well off will be effected the most as usual with all the cuts but we will get through this just as our grandparents did but we all have a great deal more to be thankful of materialistically than they ever expected.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
4 Nov 10
All I can say is may God Help us all. I bet times was very hard and I dont know how they did it but what we need to do is wake up and realize this isn't a game if someone doesnt take action the people will and I dont think we will do it nice either people will steal more kill more.
@johney264 (544)
• China
4 Nov 10
you are right I loss job now so the time is very hard for me. because its very hard for me to find a job as you say I really don't know what to do. this year may be I will not very happy. but I have skills I think I eventually will find a job that I like. I don't know what situation in your country for me there are alot of job to join but its very hard work and the salary is very low so that still now I cant find one that I feel good. I think this year I will lose job, I prepare don't go to find a job at the rest time of this year.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
4 Nov 10
I didnt lose my job but I'm about to quit because Im only getting very little hours its pissing me off but there isnt much I can do but, they keep saying that money is short and they cant do nothing. But honestly I think they dont like me. all I can do is pray even my father lost his job but he got an interview.. PRay
@Gargi2010 (638)
• India
4 Nov 10
Hi You are right but if you do the hard work and search with full of confidence and zeal you will success any way to get the job Regards
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@payout (3794)
• United States
4 Nov 10
I agree you are right as well, But some people or a lot of people I have ran into and met said they are college and did so many years and sometimes they are down. they end up getting a crappy job and running into people that didnt even finish High School sometimes. Some are servers others work in simple department stores and getting paid minimum wage. To everything now is about who can make it and who can handle the fire. Who is the best and who kiss more.. Butt haha .. funny but true
@tuamora (79)
• United States
4 Nov 10
This is very true. This all is because of the greed of some very powerful people. IT seems that no matter what country you live in you have to deal with political money grabbers and greed. Most of these people never feel the effects of their crimes.
@payout (3794)
• United States
4 Nov 10
The wealthy people dont give to craps about the poor well some dont and if not most don't because if they did I dont think we will be in the situation we are in now. I guess we are going to need people from other countries and make a commercial and donate to people in the united states that are poor. we do it for the people in Africa.. not trying to sound mean but it might lead to that.