My favorite season In Miami is the Rainy season

United States
November 5, 2010 10:11pm CST
I am not from Miami, so the thing I miss the most is the change in seasons. Winter's hot (one day of cold), Spring goes and is hot, Summer Laughs at us in the humidity, and Fall rains. I get excited. I sometimes run around without an umbrella. I love to splash in stagnant puddles. I would taste the rain, yet I know I would be tasting nasty pollution. So I just smile and spin, spin, spin. What do you like to do in the rain?
1 response
• United States
6 Nov 10
I lived in Jupiter, north of West Palm Beach, for 2 years, so I know what you're talking about!! I miss the crazy unexpected rain! Its awesome. I don't miss the sticky humidity though! I live in AZ now, which i LOVE! I like just standing out inthe rain enjoying it, or i'd go down to the beach and enjoy watching everything going on. sometimes seeing animals playing when there were no people. =]