Pets in church

United States
November 7, 2010 7:26am CST
A church in California has instituted a service for pets. It sounded like animal abuse to me, but then I read that the four-legged friends get treats and beds and don't even have to sit through a sermon. (Wonder if some of the beasts of pray turn backwards and offer up a howl to doG?) Here in Nashville, an ordinance passed last week to allow dogs to accompany their owners into restaurants. Now, I'm an animal lover of the first stripe, but I look upon this trend of dragging our pets with us everywhere with alarm. How about you?
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5 responses
@gnomeland (421)
7 Nov 10
bringing pets to church is nothing new in our spiritualist church. we know how much love our pets provide unselfishly and the importance they have in being spiritual beings so we have weekly healing services for pets and in our healing book you may put down your pet (past or present) for positive thoughts of love to be sent out to them. our religion is a religion of love and that covers all creatures who live/or have lived on mother earth.
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• United States
7 Nov 10
Do animals have souls in need of redemption? The Bible says no. Can animals even be said to sin?
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@MAllen400 (829)
7 Nov 10
In our local Church of England Church a couple times a year the Vicar will let people, although this is mainly children, to take their pets to Church to be blessed. It is wonderful to see all these pets in their cages going to Church and the delight on the childrens faces. some pets have even had a mini baptism. It also gets the younger children to go to Church
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• Philippines
8 Nov 10
pets should not really be brought along to all places by people if in a restaurant.. there should be a holding area for them so that their owners can enjoy the restaurant undisturbed
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
The only reason I bring my pets with me is when there's no one home to take care of them. My pets are well trained and they can behave pretty well wherever I would bring them. I totally abhor those irresponsible owners who bring their pets everywhere but aren't behave enough to settle in one place. There's nothing wrong bringing your pet along with you anywhere you go when the purpose is not to show off. I know other people use their pets as an accessory or just an ornament.
• Philippines
8 Nov 10
Pets make a good buddy and let us out in a while in stress and boredom. Pets in church? I think the church has been accommodating to "friendly" pets unto the condition that it does not disturb the solemness and sanctity of the celebrated mass or occasion. I do believe it is the owner who should know and gauge their pets if it is reasonable for them to bring such pets. Like you, I do believe that it is really disturbing to allow pets to have loitered to any place they can... if something bad happens then what will be the end result of such action of allowing pets? Is it to blame the establishment allowing the pets? or is it the owner bringing the pets? No matter in what case maybe it is better that pet owners be responsible when and where they can have their pets accompanied them. Not all the time man and his pet can co-exist in gathering or get together.