Personal Diary Writing Habit....:)

@saqi78 (1402)
November 9, 2010 5:28am CST
Hi respected Lotters I just want to share some thing personal with you all, When I was in school and college, I had the habit to write diary daily, they records my ideas, thought and feelings about every thing but now I dont have enough time or my habits changed due to time so I am not writing my diary. But I do read my old diaries and enjoy the past days of my life, during reading every thing and every moment appears in front of me. I want to know your personal diary writing habit, do you still update your diary? Be happy and be the reason of happiness in others life...:)
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11 responses
@aaronfyzeon (1920)
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
Hello there! Reading my personal diary really brings up the memories from my high school days. I write it in English before and I would be able to see my grammar lapses. It will then just make me laugh about it. It will also bring up those happy and sad moments that I encountered as well as the most embarrassing ones. For now I am not keeping a diary starting 4th year college up until now because of my really busy schedule. But since I got here in myLot, I was able to post significant moments that happened in my life.
• Portugal
9 Nov 10
aaron so cute that you read about your past moments in your diary^^ i guess thats cute^^ is sad that you dont have time for it anymore but is good that you share moments that are good here in mylot^^ that way you also share with people unlike a diary that is only for us^^ im happy that you share here your life^^ saqi is good that you also read your diary and like to read your past moments too^^ i guess thats great really^^
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@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
10 Nov 10
Thanks Sweet for nice comments and appreciation for both of us, yeah it is really great for Aaron to read and write about her past and present...:) hey Sweet, I just read you name clearly, sweet love for eve, before this, I was reading it sweet love for ever, lolz...
@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
9 Nov 10
Hi Its great to hear from you that you have had long session with diary writing, and yes it is interesting to read about old days, whenever I read my diary, all those people and moments comes in front of me and I really enjoy it...:) Yeah, I think it is the diary writing habit that now you can express yourself in a very better way while writing....:) Happy Lotting...
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@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
9 Nov 10
During several periods of my life I thought about writing a diary, but with the time I dessist of this idea so I never wrote one. A diary might be a nice habit, but it seems to personal to get into wrong hands. There are so many enemies around everyone awaiting a moment to hurt's so easy to hurt someone nowadays that I really don't wish nobody to know all my personal thoughts, feelings.... Without any diary, I can decide on my own whom I open my heart and my mind and how much I want to tell him or her and at what moment to do so. I prefer to be carefull.
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@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
9 Nov 10
Hi camomile Nice to read you response, I agree that this is one main disadvantage of writing diary tat if it goes to some one else hand then your personal can not be protected but I think it is up to us that how can we protect it from others. For me I ll never allow any other person to reach into my personal belongings, and if you are really afraid of this thing then you can keep your diary in some safe place where it is only accessible to you and no one else can reach over there. Despite all these things, I personally think, writing diary is a very good habit and due to this you can evaluate and judge yourself and can make some decision about your behaviors and other things. These were just mine thoughts and it can be differ from your and other... Thank you very much for nice thought, I appreciate your thought.... Have happy Lotting...
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• Germany
9 Nov 10
Hi saqi78, of course you're right, there might be always a save place where to keep your secrets (your diary). In that case, I rather prefer to keep them in my mind. But your point of view is very interesting for persons who likes psicology and would like to evaluate their own personality to see how they are changing, growing and maturating.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
10 Nov 10
i used to have the habit of writing personal diary when i was a teenager... but i stop it because i find out my mum read my diary secretly and all my hidden secrets are being revealed... i was pretty angry and upset at the moment as it is a breach of my privacy... after that, i stop writing a personal diary as i don't want other people to know about my hidden secrets if i happen to leave my diary unattended... take care and have a nice day...
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@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
10 Nov 10
Hi Lingli Nice to see your comments over here, Yes, I agree with you that diary is some thing personal and it should be dealt personal by others too, because we are writing our secrets and every thing in it and we ll never allow any one to read it, if they have some problem or some thing to ask from us from our personal life then they should ask from us directly instead of reading our journal or diaries. Due to your mother you left a very good habit and I think from here if any parent is reading this, should take care of dealing with your child, one mistake can harm your child, like in your case, you have had a creative habit of writing and you stopped it due to your mother mistake and I think when you ll be mom you ll never ever repeat such bad things....:) Happy Lotting
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@MAllen400 (829)
9 Nov 10
I used to do a diary then came along husband and children. When my children were older I did go back to a diary just simple things like I had such and such bill to pay and what we had done. nothing major. My children grew up and you know how it is all their things are private even their bedroom (must add here, as long as they kept it clean) but they would have a sneaky look into my diary! I gave up then lol
@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
9 Nov 10
Very nice experience about diary writing and beautiful wordings for writing and leaving diary. Yes, I agree with you that due to responsibilities the habits alters and same is the case with me Thank you very much for nice comments, have a nice day ahead...:)
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• United States
9 Nov 10
Yea, for the most part I do - but now I call it a "journal"! lol! I've been keeping it for years now and my kids can't wait until I die to sit and read them all! My trouble is that when I am on overload I don't write in it at all. That's backwards, but that's the way it is!
• United States
10 Nov 10
Yeah, I don't write "everything" that's for sure, but I write quite a bit, it is my journal after all.
@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
10 Nov 10
I appreciate that you are writing journal and like to read your thoughts, yeah I think we cannot write every things but we can write it in points form or short form so for next time when we read it so we can understand...:) Happy Lotting dear...
@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
10 Nov 10
Yeah, I agree and appreciate that you are doing very well, thanks for sharing your valuable thought...:) Be happy and be the reason of happiness in others life, keep smiling, it ll improve your face value...:)
• Portugal
9 Nov 10
i dont write a diary. i am busy working online^^ or doing home things. so i dont really write one^^ but is cute that you did that before. maybe sometimes you can use now mylot as your diary and share things that happen with you. we would like to know about your day^^ and share things with you also^^ we can all be good friends and share problems^^ we can be your diary^^
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• Portugal
11 Nov 10
im happy that you will use mylot as your diary sometimes ahah^^ yes we share things here bcs sometimes when we have a problem is good to have many opinions to help us to see what we should do^^ dont need to thank me^^ you are good to me so sure i must be good to you too right? ahah thanks also for answer my discussions and for being sweet^^ happy mylotting too
@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
10 Nov 10
Wow what a good and nice idea, I ll definitely think on this to use myLot for my daily activities this is really very good, and I think I have seen some post by members where they share their daily happenings according to dates and it is really very good. Thanks for your complements and all this is due to nice and good friends like you because a man is known by the company and you all are my company over here at myLot...:) Thanks for response and nice comments...:) Happy Lotting
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
10 Nov 10
I used to keep a diary off and on a lot but I haven't in a long time. I guess I just got busy and lost interest in keeping one. I still have some of my diaries I used to keep somewhere. I have a diary that I used to keep as a teenager and I would record all the things that happened at school that day. I was a big Beatle fan and I even recorded all of their birhtdays, lol!
@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
10 Nov 10
Wow thats great to hear from you that you have recorded their birth days...:) Yeah, due to busy schedule, it is not easy to write diary every day, but I am thinking now to write diary on weekends as on weekends I may have time to write some thing....:) Be happy and keep smiling, it ll improve your face value...:)
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• United States
9 Nov 10
I have never in my life kept a personal diary and realized just a few weeks ago that this would be something interesting for me to do, as I have lived a very difficult life and wonder if my children would read them later. So I have this goal that beginning Jan 2011 I am going to start recalling my life and writing my thought in a Journal. As well as write the events of the day, as someday also I can read back and be yet even more grateful to God that I am still living despite the life which was handed to me.
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@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
10 Nov 10
Hi H.W. Gurl Very happy to see your comments over here and yes I agree with you regarding the benefits of diary and I personally experienced this thing, my father had habit of writing his diary in his young age and when he started his business. I was reading his diary with his permission once and I came to know about the hurdles and every thing he faced during his life and career, and how did he suffered different times. Beside this there were happy moments which he also written in that like mine and my other brothers and sisters births and birth days etc And it is really fun to read them and take some guidance from them, I appreciate you for starting from next year... You already made a wish that you are going to write diary so I think this time Santa ll give you diary....lolz Happy Lotting
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
9 Nov 10
I keep a professional one. What went well in the school day, what didnt, what would I change, how would I handle a situation better. I feel that it makes me a better teacher. I skim over it from time to time, especially if I am about to teach a lesson that i know I have taught in the past.
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@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
9 Nov 10
Very nice to hear from you that you note down every thing and keep this habit alive in you. It is really very good for building you up that you should know about every thing inside you and diary writing is the best way. Thank you very much for a nice and good comments and response, I really appreciate you and your habit of writing...:) Wish you best of luck
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@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
5 Jan 11
hi, i had a diary when i was in high school level, i wrote all feelings and thought every day, especially when i saw my crash,LOL. but then when i grow up i stop doing that.
@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
5 Jan 11
I agree with you, every one at our young age have this habit of writing diary but with passage of time in busy life we become unable to write. Thanks for sharing your thoughts...:) Have a nice day...:)
• Philippines
13 Nov 10
I keep a diary until now. Writing helps me to get a grip on myself whenever I'm run over by emotions. ^^ But I also realized the danger of getting lost in your writing or in your own thoughts. I realized that writing about my life is not as important as living it. There are still so many things to do and so very little time to do them.
@saqi78 (1402)
• Malaysia
13 Nov 10
Hi Philhope Welcome to myLot and thanks for such a nice response Very nice to hear from you and I am glad that you have diary with you and you are writing your day to day experience in that. What a good phrase you have written that you realized the danger of being lost in writing, what a sentence it is, I really appreciate it Thanks again for your valuable response...:) Have a nice day...