Is it a good job?

@mickly08 (769)
November 9, 2010 5:42am CST
I graduated from university this summer. Few days later, I got my first job, but I quit in 21 days, because it is too boring to attend training class for 3 months. Then another job, I worked as foreign trade assistant, but the job requires overwork for freeee. 3 months later, I entered a Germany-fund enterprise, the job is very convenient, low pressure, but almost no hope for promotion.Only the salary will be raised year by year.I don't know whether it is a good job for me.Appreciate your comment.
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15 responses
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
9 Nov 10
It sounds like you want things to come easily for you. The job may be a good one if you like it. If not then ride it out long enough to get some experience and then look for something else. Nothing in life worth having comes easily. Some people fail to remember this. I have worked my butt off for the things that I have accomplished in life and that makes me appreciate them so much more.
@mickly08 (769)
• China
10 Nov 10
Good idea. I want to make use of several month to learn something, such as experience, english. I also can take a rest from previous tired work.What is more important, I need to prepare for my next english level test, TEM8. You can not never hear about this english level test. Because it is only available in China. lol
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
Well,i can say that,it depends on your dreams. If you want a job with high salary and less stressful,then stay with your present job. But if you are looking for a job that enhance your passion and interests and that you want to proved something for yourself,then,look for a job that suits your goals. I can say that,working is not all about salary. It is about what you want,and what are your expectations from that job. If i feel that i am not happy with it,i won't pursue even if the salary is high. It's an individual choice anyway.
• Portugal
10 Nov 10
i see^^ sorry that some jobs were bad. is good that you are in that company now^^ if the salary is raised all years thats great. in most part of companies that doesnt happen. also if you dont have pressure thats an awesome job. work without pressure is the best thing you can find^^ you shouldnt leave that job. is better to earn a bit less but work without pressure than work with pressure and earn a lot. you will be too stressed and will be bad. so continue there for more time^^ also maybe they can give you a higher position after a year or two^^
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
Promotion comes not only in the title of the position. Promotion may also come in monetary value. If your salary will be increased every year, that is tantamount to a promotion. However, if you feel like there's no challenge at all, then there's no use in staying. Challenges in our jobs give us the excitement to move on. If you get bored and burned out, even if the pay is high, there's no use in staying.
@mhypie03 (683)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
I could feel for you. I have been working for 2 years now but came from different companies already. Have had a 9-month stint at Reuters now with Kimberly-Clark, the rest is history. But I really wanted to stay atleast a year now yet I am being demonized by my instinct because I have beeng doing nothing for the past 4 months. No challenge, no career growth, no bright future ahead. But I am crossing my fingers that it may somehow change in a few months time again. Being young and aggressive is a bit frustating because it's hard to fight boredom and pessimism. Good thing, mylot still interests me.
• China
10 Nov 10
The frist you need to know what do you want . Make a goal for your recent years ,and achieve it .
@moondancer (7433)
• United States
9 Nov 10
These days when jobs are hard to come by and job is a good job in a way. If you get enough to pay your bills and have money to save you are doing good. I would not leave one job unless I had another one lined up already. I would also have to do research online about the companies I am interested in working for or that I'm looking at giving my resume to. The internet is a great asset to helping find a good job. It does not look good on a person to quit jobs after just a short time working there. Most companies want a reliable person that will be there. Why should they hire you and put money into training you for there job if you will quit on them? They will look at your record for being with a company and think, "he will not stay here so why should we spend the money on him to train him?" Or something similar. You need to get a good work ethic and be reliable. You do have time to find a good job that you will be able to move up in the ranks with. But first you need to show that you will stick with a job. I have always said no job will keep you satisfied at all times. Even if you take a hobby that you love doing a lot then start doing it to make money there will be days and times when you absolutely hate doing it and want to quit but you must hang in there and get past those thoughts. No job is perfect. You just need to find the best fit for you at this time. Good luck.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
9 Nov 10
if the job is convenient and good you should stick to it...carry on the work and keep searching for a good job which satisfies all your need....even if there will be increase in salary every year then too its ok.....i hope you get your desired job soon
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
10 Nov 10
First, I don't like overtime work all the time. It is quite stressful to just work and work everyday but hardly have a break. It sounds like that your current job is stable. Perhaps you are very young and therefore you want to fulfill your ambition. And therefore you will think this job is not suitable for you because it is just like a calm lake. But as a married woman who has a child like me, I prefer to have such kind of job. Because I need to take care of my family when I go off work. I don't want to be the business at present. If I am agreesive one day, then I will have my own business and therefore my efforts will be worth. I love China
• United States
9 Nov 10
I am thinking that in these financially trying times almost any job is worth keeping as it is money coming in from somewhere. But it is important to at least enjoy what you are doing. IF you're getting paid for training that is still pay, but if you're expected to spend hours and hours in training and not getting paid you just as well be at home working on mylot!
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
It really depends upon your preferences. I think you need to take time to think things and on what good the job will do for you as well as the disadvantages of the job. And then weight it out..if the advantages is a lot more heavier than the disadvantages then stay for sometime just for additional experience and wait ofr a better opportunity to come. And if the disadvantages weighs more, then that's the time to leave the job.
@yanyanyow (326)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
if you like what your doing, its okay for you to stay on your current job. ask yourself if you will not get bored with this job and if it is okay if you dont get a promotion. dont be too choosy on your job since your a fresh graduate
• China
9 Nov 10
If you like,it is a good job.
@vsowrya (34)
• India
9 Nov 10
the best way to get intrest is cross check ur daily rotien behavior get some intresting thing from it and do that thing in diffrent way that aacn be beautiful and need to get money then u wii no get boured of it
@Wizzywig (7847)
9 Nov 10
It largely depends on what you want from a job. If you want to take it easy and be paid an adequate amount of money, it sounds good for you. If you want promotion, you have to accept pressure and training and probably working a few extra hours without extra pay. So, you have to balance your priorities I guess.