Anime becoming mainstream?

@dufff7 (10)
November 16, 2010 7:49pm CST
To all those Anime fans out there.... five years ago it seemed only a few people watched Anime, but over the last few years its slowly been creeping into mainstream viewing, what with Spirited Away cinema release, Adult Swim tv showings etc. How do you feel about this? Did you prefer it when only a select few knew about a show or are you happy that a new and larger generation of fans are jumping on the band wagon?
1 response
@saizo6 (2199)
• United States
18 Nov 10
I know that feeling. I remember back in the days when anime was a hardly known thing. I couldn't find anyone to talk to about my interests since forums and such were non existent. The only way to know about anime was through word of mouth and the only way we could watch anime was through borrowed VHS tapes. On one side, I'm glad that anime has become such a mainstream thing here because it shows that a lot more people are appreciating this form of art. And the more mainstream anime is the more shows that are brought over from Japan. The downside for me isn't really about the anime shows, it's more with the fans of mainstream shows. I'm not talking about all but I've encountered a lot of fans that are plain rude and ignorant. They only watch mainstream shows and all the sudden they think that they are an expert on anime. This is mostly from my own personal experience. I don't watch a lot of the mainstream shows like Naruto and such and I hate it when those fans that only watch those particular shows attack me in forums and other sites. They act like those shows that are on TV are the only anime series out there and that irritates me. There are plenty of great anime series that have never been introduced here where I live. And I really don't want to be hearing anything from people that don't even bother to look outside the box, so to speak. And sorry, I ended up ranting about this.