Thank God I had a nice and pretty thong on....

Pat-down at the airport - I felt so invaded - But glad my underwear was clean!
United States
November 19, 2010 1:14pm CST
On Wednesday, I took my flight to TN, to meet my boyfriend, of which I had not seen in 2 1/2 weeks. So I put on my fanciest thong and bra. So I walk through the scanner at the airport and wouldn't you know it my rhinestones on my jeans drew an alert. I had security all over me - Ugh... So tell me why they had to lower my jeans and look all around all the inside of them as if my jeans would be deadly of some sort. We have talked about the intrusive pat-downs at the airport right, So do you think they went too far?? I did feel so invaded but all I thought about was Thank God my thong was pretty!! LOL...
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31 responses
• United States
19 Nov 10
LOL. I actually this occur to me at Chicago-O'Hare many years ago when I was wearing an underwire bra that was "metal" and not plastic as a lot of the newer pieces are. I didn't set off the main gate but they had extra security that year and were scanning people manually. This was actually well before 911 so it's not like we had the type of security we do today at airports. Anyhow, the wand picked up my bra. It was this very large brother who looked like he walked off the WWE. He did a double take, scanned again and then just chuckled as he waved me on my way lol. I am a bit surprised the rhinestones set them off. Did they set off the machine? Or was it that they simply suspected you might be carrying something? It's hard to tell if they are going too far or if they are simply doing their duty when I wasn't there lol. I mean if they didn't strip search you in the middle of the entrance I would say they were just doing their job. Namaste-Anora
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• United States
19 Nov 10
I certainly understand that for my safety this is what has to be done. However I have to admit it went too far. It did set off the scanner as I was taken aside and the butchy female security woman was speaking into her walkie talkie and said, it could be the rhinestones so I will check and see. So she began to pull down on my jeans without even speaking to me. Because I am tiny and without my belt the jeans were very loose so by her pulling without notice I freaked out as they almost dropped down to my knees. She not only tugged and searched but kept looking down my pants. I said to her now really do you seriously think in these tiny jeans that I would be able to sneak some sort of weapon. She never even spoke as so many of them were so rude. I would not have been insulted one bit, as really it is for our safety but the least she could have done was say ma'am I have to look down your jeans, or at least give me a warning as many others behind me got a sneak peak of my lacy underwear down my front. I can only imagine how many problems they have at the airport,and yes this was Ohare, as really all they have to do is say I must look down your pants or something.
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• United States
19 Nov 10
I would fill out a complaint then regarding the incident. The following website link is a list of their current commissioner. She has an email address as well. I'd provide the name of the security officer, I'm sure you got that, and the details as you've shared them here. I agree that there was no need for her to pull your pants down in public. That's quite humiliating. When I first read I assumed she'd just done the quick tag turn but I had no idea where your rhinestones were. (I don't wear that style clothing so I have no idea how they are affixed). Do this report today because the fresher it is in your mind the less facts you are likely to forget. Namaste-Anora
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• Canada
19 Nov 10
Any search where they expose parts you do not want the public to see MUST be done is a seperate room, where you are not giving a free show to everyone waiting to board a plane. That was disgusting and I agree you should complain.
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@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
22 Nov 10
LOL...well if you flew into Nashville, I can understand....LOL That is where my son had the nightmare going through security. However, I am sure it was probably O'Hare that gave you a hard time! That is even worse...LOL I have friends that work at the airport. I should yell at dare they give my "MyLot friend" a hard time. Well good thing you had pretty panties on!!
• United States
22 Nov 10
Knoxville is a nice airport to fly out of. I live down in Chattanooga. I am a bit closer to Knoxville then Nashville, but Nashville is a bigger airport and usually it is cheaper to fly out of. I have flown out of Knoxville before and they are a lot nicer. I think it really is a matter of how the security people feel at the time and who they decide to pick on. My son never set of any alarm, and was only 14 at the time. A good clean cut kid, on the shy side, and when they started going through his carry-on I about lost my mind. They went through all of his stuff just because he had his Playstation 3 with him. It was a mess, but you really can't say much because that just makes it worse!
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• United States
22 Nov 10
LOL.. this all happened at Ohare, yup very intrusive indeed. Lucky for them I was all pretty down there. LOL.. They are not only rude, they are nasty and intrusive. I fly back at the end of December from McGee Tyson, in Knoxville TN. So far the people here are so friendly and nice so I suppose I will wear yet another fine pair of undies just in case. hehehe
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• United States
22 Nov 10
Absolutely I know what you mean, as I missed my 9am flight and was going to board the 2pm. The last thing I wanted was to be interrogated and scrutinized that would have perhaps caused me to miss the flight in total. Wow, sorry to have read that this occurred to your son, I am sure he was a bit frazzled and not know what was going on.
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@Nadinest1 (2016)
• Canada
19 Nov 10
This is the latest heated discussion around the world right now, it seems. Something needs to be done to fix this. No one has a right to touch someone else, IMO....and checking the jeans thing....deplorable. I am all for being safe and secure on our airlines, but it has gone a bit over=board. I have heard complaints about the amount of radiation these X-Ray machines are giving off....the study says not a lot....but the people who did the study are the makers of the X-Ray machine. DUH.
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• United States
19 Nov 10
I suppose if a person travels a great deal the radiation becomes a hazard. My thinking is that at least they should say something, that they are going to be pulling my pants down. Instead I seriously felt like they thought I was some sort of attacker and never spoke to me. In fact when I asked if this was necessary I got a mean look as if I am not allowed to speak. It is truly a crazy experience and I certainly did not want to interrupt my trip, but could not help the feeling of being invaded, as geez couldn't they at least say ma'am I am going to pull down your pants. It is almost like being raped in a sense as normally I will not allow anyone un-privilege to pull on my pants, especially the rude and ugly women doing this to me.
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• United States
21 Nov 10
HI hardworkinggurl I think that the USA Government airport policies are totally wrong! I am sure that there are other ways for them to find the person(s) that's planning on doing harm. sweetie, maybe, next time you have to travel take a bus or the train. This just gives me one more reason not to fly! I am very, very upset that this happened to you and also others, as well! Take care Snow
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Nov 10
I am happy sweetie, that you boyfriends is going to be with you on the return trip and please no rhinestones Take care Snow
• United States
22 Nov 10
I an hanging in there, and I feel much better then I did a couple of months ago. Thanks for asking. Snow
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• United States
21 Nov 10
For my return back home I will not be traveling alone, as my boyfriend will be accompanying. Hopefully the airport here in TN, is a bit more sensitive than my home airport in Illinois. I have been seeing a lot of news and it is ridiculous, I so understand that we have to be secure, but seriously what they did was out right invasion. See had the woman spoke and said we have to search you, I would not have had a problem with it at all as I had nothing to hide. But to be tugged at and my pants pulled down as if I were some sort of enemy, actually made me feel as if I was being raped. But yes, my boyfriend and I decided that since the tickets are non-refundable we have to take the plane back. But for our next trip, which by the way lucky me, he is an actor and has so many upcoming paid trips for us, so we will be considering bus and trains as he says it would be more us time together and less bumps. Glad to see you sweetie hope all is well.
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19 Nov 10
On an internal flight within the usa? i would call that way over the top - i could understand coming in on an international flight as i did recently to the states but within uk travelling from london to edinburgh there were no where near as many checks.
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• United States
29 Oct 11
Oh my goodness! I just saw this and I am smiling. You made a joke out of something so dreadfully invasive. Yes that was invasive. I'm glad you felt good about them being pretty, at least. Thanks for the chuckle! I love it!
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• United States
29 Oct 11
Ehehehe, this brought back memories as at the time it was really no laughing matter but I had already missed my first flight and did not want to miss the second one. I had not seen my boyfriend in almost a month and did we were going to be away for another month and half and the last thing I would have needed was to call him from a holding cell. I remember clearly thinking oh my good thing my undies were pretty. lol Though at the moment I was blushing.
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• United States
29 Oct 11
Well, I hope they were very professional about it, and allowed for your modesty. I've seen some horror stories on TV about those security officers. One elderly mom and her daughter. The mom was in diapers.. she was like 90 years old or something.. and they made the daughter remove the mother's diaper right there in front of everyone, and she didn't have a spare diaper to put back on her. I felt so bad for that elderly woman.
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• United States
31 Oct 11
Oh yes they were brutal and did not care if I was exposed and although I was hoping it did not cause yet another delay. I could not help but notice others too treated unfairly, and the sad part is that I put in a complaint and never once received a response. I was pinned to the news for days on in just listening to the horror stories and it was quite sad that although they feel they are protecting us they sure did a good job at making us feel like the criminals.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
20 Nov 10
Since TSA has gone so far beyond what is reasonable and acceptable, I think this whole security issue may come under scrutiny. It is no longer acceptable to give TSA total, comprehensive freedom all for the sake of 'security'. While they are busy snoopin' around inside the britches of normal people, I cannot imagine it would be that hard for a Muslim to slip through with plastic explosives intact. They would never do that kind of search to a Muslim - not politically correct. I am glad people are starting to make a stink about this.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
21 Nov 10
The difference is that most doctors treat you with the respect due a person, especially a person who might be put in an embarrassing spot. The TSA agents give the people no respect, and from the way they have been behaving, I think they rather like humiliating people. As far as your pretty thong, I am afraid to say that most guys' eyes were probably getting big as saucers during this whole exchange. Not the most respectful of you, I know.
• United States
20 Nov 10
I filed a complaint yesterday, simply because I can only imagine many other innocent people as myself complying and getting treated as if we were the terrorist. I am glad that our security is being protected, but this went way too far. As I had my pants dropped really low and all others behind could see my precious frontal. See had they explained that they were going to search me, maybe I would not have been so shocked but instead they were rude and demanded I move to the side and without explaining pulled on my pants. Hmm, even a doctor walks us through a thorough examination, so why treat me a citizen in this manner.
• United States
21 Nov 10
LOL, I suppose I gave the men a pleasant plane ride. It is quite intrusive and well I am all for security but I do not get why I got the scanner and the full hand pat down as well as looking through me intensely. At any rate this has become very controversial as I am seeing so much news regarding the incidents.
@yesah65 (157)
• United States
17 Feb 11
I agree! I think they go a bit too far sometimes, but I also envy your Boy friend(smile).
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Feb 11
LOL yesah for making me laugh.. Although they take it too far it still will not keep me from traveling, and I understand that our safety is priority, only wished they did not take it too far. So I will continue to wear the pretty undies and hope they are gentle next time.
• United States
6 Dec 10
I guess we should all take notes... "do not wear jeans w/ rhinestones in them to the airport"... GOT IT! But I imagine since they do this all day they get to be like Dr's and used to seeing all sorts of unmentionables & unmentionable places.
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• United States
6 Dec 10
LOL too funny, I actually have a nice pair of jeans I bought specifically for my plane ride back. I wanted to add though our doctors do tell us before they do anything, they do not grab hold of arm and pull our pants down like these nasty people...LOL..
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
31 Oct 11
Hahaha , Oh gosh this made my day. Just the other day a thought, a scenario, crossed my mind where I'd meet an accident or get frisked like this, and was caught wearing my not-so-fabulous set of undies because I ran out of the beautiful ones because they are still stashed somewhere with the laundry. This actually reminded me to attend to my laundry since I have a long vacant day ahead of me rightnow.
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• United States
31 Oct 11
After I got over the shock and embarrassment I had to chick it up with laughter. I was explaining it to my boyfriend when I arrived in Tennessee and although he did not laugh as he was furious, I could not help but think, whooish, thank God I was wearing a nice pair. lol Happy laundry to you.
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
20 Nov 10
I have read about your naked scanning system at the airport in our local newspaper. It is really excited. But for men, inclusive myself, will all rush to apply for this HOLY job. As what I read about this enforcement system, the officers in charge kept the record of all your naked photographs to enjoy watching later. Around 100 of the naked photograph has been distributed in the internet. It is really intrusive. In future, it is good to travel by bus.
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• United States
20 Nov 10
I have been watching a great many reports on CNN, since yesterday and you are aboslutely correct. I saw the photographs and yes it does show all of our parts. Wow, they are saying now that some airports are allowing you to be hand fully pat if you do not want to go through the scanners. I still say okay so why were both done to me, I only assume it was my rhinestone tiny gems on my jeans. As I did not have anything else possibly that would set it off. All they had to do was explain, and they did not. I was told move aside and groped as if I was a piece of meat. My boyfriend put forth a blog entry at CNN website and he received an email that someone wanted to speak to me. So I replied back, let's see where that goes
• United States
19 Nov 10
Wow what a story and I missed it, anyway I think they are over doing it. For all we know they could have psychos working for the TSA and just pick on the sexy ladies so they could check their thong.
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• United States
19 Nov 10
LOL, at first I thought I would be funny, as I immediately thought the same but when that butchy lady pulled down on my pants without even as much as saying a word I felt embarrassed and invaded. I will be putting forth a complaint but as my boyfriend says I should be prepared to be quite ignored. I certainly understand that this is for our safety but it was a bit way over the top and surely they could not think that someone as tiny as me would be able to attach even a flee. LOL
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• United States
20 Nov 10
did they put you in a private room or something like that, or was it out in the open. I ask cause if it was outside, how embarrassing or if it was in a room was it you and her only or was there any one else there.
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• United States
20 Nov 10
It was right there out in the open and was never even told that they were going to be searching me. I was rudely told step aside and never told what the problem was. It was I who told them you are kidding me if you think these tiny rhinestones are deadly. Th ugly woman never said a word and began to pull down my pants. Ugh..
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@fl0rencia (414)
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
Haha, that's a bit embarrassing if that happens to me. So what was the cause of the alarm? Did they tell you? Or did they just enjoyed seeing your behind?
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• United States
20 Nov 10
Absolutely and the more I research on the news I hear yet even more horror stories. I was just glad my trip was not interrupted.
• United States
20 Nov 10
At first I believe the scanner picked up some sort of signal as my jeans had rhinestones so they of course were paranoid about that and then the body search went a bit too far. Yeah it was a bit embarrassing but my intention was to get through as quickly as I could as I did not want to miss my flight. It was more embarrassing that this old man behind me was sort of chuckling as I suppose I mad his day when he saw my red lacy thong. LOL
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
Hahaha. That's just really funny. Glad you were able to get through them quickly. Haha. What an experience you got there.
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@jasper40t (468)
19 Feb 11
Good for you!! you go girl !!Make sure every time you go there have a nice thong on and you will be fine girl !!
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• United States
20 Feb 11
Oh that is a must for me all year round. This gurl likes to be girly.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 Nov 10
Hmmm...there's a message in there for everyone I think. Don't ask me what it sis because I'm really dumb at those quizzes. It's different strokes for different pokes. I'll bet those guards talked about you all day long.
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• United States
27 Nov 10
I am sure they did as well my friend as it was a very pretty thong and well I never leave home without my best set as well. So I am sure they got their treat for the day, the nasties though as it was pretty gruesome to have to undergone that. After all the news hypes I am hoping things will change a bit or at least hire people with a bit better manners.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
20 Nov 10
omg that is so embarrassing! but proud of you, you were able to go through that and you had sexy thong on! hahaha lesson learned, always wear your prettiest thong on the airport
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• United States
20 Nov 10
I am one never to leave the house with out a matching set.. LOL.. Especially when I was flying out to see my boyfriend who I had not seen in 2 1/2 weeks so for sure I had on my best set. Yes indeed it was pretty embarrassing but I tell you I was so trying not to get my trip interrupted.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
4 Dec 10
Oh my goodness. It's nice that you can find humor in that, not sure if I would have been able to.. LOL. I think that is a bit extensive.
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• United States
4 Dec 10
Yes at the moment it was not funny, it quite humiliating to say the least. These TSA employees are like animals not caring that we a passengers are simply human. See all they had to do was tell me they were going to search me and drop my pants and maybe I would not have put a formal complaint the way I did. I look back now and try and make humor out of it, as at the moment I had missed my first flight and could not risk loosing my the second.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
21 Nov 10
Awww, I'm sorry that happened anyhow. But did you see SNL tonight? They had a spoof about the TSA airlines and acting like it was some kind of naughty service or something. My jaw just dropped while watching it with my boyfriend. I couldn't believe they went there, but I don't know why I still get surprised at that show. Lol.
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• United States
21 Nov 10
Oh I missed that but I will search it online as I love SNL and their funny shenanigans. But I am sure they are close to what exactly is happening at the airports, very intrusive.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
22 Nov 10
I've never had to fly out since this new pat-down policy came out, but I'll be flying next week. From this discussion, I will make sure that I'll be wearing good underwear that time (none of my still-wearing-from-college-underwears ). I know that it is for safety, and they have reasons for it, after the underwear bomber that was foiled recently, but I still don't appreciate being patted down and having to show my underwear.
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• United States
26 Nov 10
Lol! Wow, the pat down is crazy at the airports now!
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• United States
26 Nov 10
Yeah, although funny to discuss it certainly is quite crazy at the moment you are preparing to get on your flight.