Blaming G-d for your mistake?

United States
November 29, 2010 11:07am CST
A Buffalo Bills American Football player had the game winning score in his hands but he could keep it and his team lost. Now he is blaming G-d for the fumble. Wow! We all hear people thank G-d when good things happen but this is the first time I have heard a person Blame G-d! I don't think it works that way. G-d is there to help , not hurt. Us humans make Many mistakes , not G-d! Have you ever blamed G-d for a misfortune?
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9 responses
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
30 Nov 10
Could be a long time ago....and it wasn't exactly a mistake though I thought he had made one when he chose to take her so early in her life....I didn't think it was fair....but things turn out they way they are supposed to. Before my mom passed I didn't really know my dad....after she passed we got to know each other. My mom and I were best of friends and did everything together.....most of the time without something good did come out of it!
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
29 Nov 10
Absolutely NOT! I never, ever blamed G-d for anything, in fact, I run to Him when I have a problem. I know that we are human, and we do make mistakes and stuff, but I see Him as a comfort when times are rough. I don't blame Him for my rough life either, I'm just glad that He created me and is there for me whenever I want to talk.
• United States
29 Nov 10
I believe the same. When times are tough, G-d is there to help you.
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@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
30 Nov 10
I agree with you Sarah... It is not good to blame God all the time... And yet, you will agree that sometimes situation gets entirely hopeless... Then, in despair, some of us start blaming God... That is human nature, I believe... :)
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• United States
30 Nov 10
I guess I am not human. When I lost my mom , I didn't blame G-d , I blamed ther doctor. When I lost my Dad , I was Way too young to blame Anyone. When bad things happy , I don't Blame the One BEing that is there to help.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
1 Dec 10
It is not inhuman to blame anyone except God... What I meant was sometimes, things can go real bad and there is no one to blame... At such times, human mind finds automatically starts blaming God and the destiny...
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• United States
2 Dec 10
By destiny , do you mean one's fate? If so, I do that All the time! I would blame my fate Way before I blame G-d!
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
6 Dec 10
Oh! I didn't hear that part about him blaming God. When I first saw him talking after the game, my heart went out to him for having the game winning touch down on his hand and having it slip away. This definitely changes my opinion of him. It doesn't take me long to blame myself for stupid mistakes I make!
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• United States
7 Dec 10
I hear you . I'm a recovering perfectionist! When I first saw the play , I thought it was an example that the Bills are cursed! I felt sad for the whole team. After his remarks , I felt sorry for him. He obviously doesn't get it and maybe never will.
@afarrell1 (258)
• United States
29 Nov 10
I haven't heard this on the news, but it sounds like someone needs to grow up and face his own mistakes. I'm so sure God came down to knock that ball out of his hands..what ever. But Maybe God did do it to teach this man some humility. God is there to help, but he will also knock you down a peg or too if needed. Look at King Belshazzar in the book of Daniel Chapter 5.
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• India
30 Nov 10
If I pray god and seek help to get something in life and I get it than it's good but at the same time if my wish is not fullfilled I wil blame GOD for that. We are human and this is a common tendency to blame god however to accomplish anything it's individual who has to put efforts in the right direction with God's blessing. Thank you for sharing.
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• United States
30 Nov 10
I have Never blamed G-d for anything , good or bad. I Always felt you can ask but sometimes the answer is no. It is you fate. But if something goes well , i was raised to say thank you , So I Do thank G-d.
• India
1 Dec 10
Thats a good nature sarah, sometimes we need something badly and if the pray has not been answered, I am forced to blame God. I will try to remember you before blaming so that I do not blame next time.
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• Canada
30 Nov 10
G-D gave us the ability to make our own decisions, and trusted us with those decisions, therefore it's nobody's fault but ours, if we make a mistake. That's like me making a mistake, and blaming my parents, because they allowed me to grow up, and move out into the world; a totally irrational point!
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
3 Dec 10
Yes I have blamed God for my misfortunes! I blame he for giving up on me and no helping me get over that hump which I keep getting stuck other the darn wall or just can't reach thr top to get over! So much of it has to do with myself mentally. I still sruggle with way to much crap that I have been fighting for years! So he never seems to be there when I need him and this why I am in a rut which I;ll never get over!
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Dec 10
I'm so sorry to hear you are in a rut. I hope you can Finally get pit of it Real soon.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
30 Nov 10
We really can't blame the Almighty for our mistakes. they were not made by him. we seem to be more tolerant and grateful when the good things happen to us in our lives. We have to accept responsibility when we makes the mistakes as well. Placing blame doesn't solve the problems.