Why are These Books Banned in America!

United States
December 1, 2010 2:53pm CST
I just finished posting the 2010 'Banned Books in America' list by the American Library Association on my blog, and I wanna know why would anyone ban these books? James and the Giant Peach - They said it was 'Socially Offensive'. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Also pegged as 'Too Much S*x' The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - 'Socially Offensive' Some of the books on the list you wonder how they ever got into the school system anyway, and others you wonder what took them so long! James and Giant Peach is socially offensive, Really! I added the Astrix because of Mylot's filter.What do you guys think of the new banned books list which goes for American Schools as well as American Libraries?
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8 responses
• United States
1 Dec 10
These are banned to protect some people from it. I think that is the logic behind censorship. People have different perspective on this but the majority or the one in charge decides what things are and things that aren't. If you were the one in charge what would you do or have done?
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• Canada
2 Dec 10
But shouldn't you educate people so they can make proper decisions about things they read and see in media?
• United States
2 Dec 10
But what is proper?
• United States
2 Dec 10
@ Gorillafootprint925 - Have you read any of these books? What's more how could this be a protection if mostly everybody has already read them and some may have even bought them! Besides I'm not wondering why all the books on the list were banned just the ones I mentioned above. Specifically James and the Giant Peach + Huckleberry Finn.
2 Dec 10
I think this just shows how hyper-sensitive America is. These are some CLASSIC books on this banned list and we do a disservice to our children by attempting to shelter them so much. Parents and older people do not realize what kids are exposed to, and I can remember as a child I was exposed to far worse things than James and the Giant Peach. Parents need to be vigilant to this and make sure they buy these books for their kids and allow them to read the classics.
• United States
2 Dec 10
I get what your saying, as a kid I learned about worse things than James and the Giant Peach. But these are only 3 books the list consists of 50. Some books on the list rightly belong there and should have been there from jump street!
• United States
3 Dec 10
You make a very valid point, but not all parents take their responsibilities as a parent seriously and yeah I can understand why "some" of the books on the list are banned but others should just be taken off the school reading list like you mentioned.
3 Dec 10
I still think parents should be deciding what their children read, not the schools or the libraries. So maybe make a list that schools aren't allowed to put on their required reading list. But to BAN them? So if a child wants to bring their own copy or do a book report on it or what not then they can. We take too much responsibility away from parents. Let's let them learn how to parent their kids and not micromanage them.
@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
2 Dec 10
I don't know why.I haven't read them.There's a side effect of it - usually, the popularity of the book increases when it's banned.People want to see WHY it was banned.Illegal copies available on the internet.Kids can find and read anything.And they do.I believe that open discussion on what is wrong and what is right is much better than blind censorship.
• United States
2 Dec 10
Thanks for your comment and yes being open and discussing things such as this is better, but one has to remember that you can't please everybody and once you open the flood gates via discussion they don't seem to close all that easy.
• Philippines
1 Dec 10
I guess these books can offend a whole lot of people that's why they're banned. Like those commercials that weren't released on TV but you can see on YouTube.
• United States
2 Dec 10
Yeah I guess, but what would be offensive in James and the Giant Peach?
• Philippines
2 Dec 10
I haven't read the book so i wouldn't know about it unless it's because james moved to miami. :)
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
2 Dec 10
Some people just really get offended on absolutely anything. I mean, I could just go out and make a list of books that I don't like and the reasons why they offend me. It is really sad that these people have any kind of power, to really make these kinds of decisions. It leads to a society of politically correct BS, where people are too afraid to breath incorrectly without offending a whole bunch of people. I mean, Huck Finn, are you kidding me? That was required reading when I was in school. James and the Giant Peach as well. I think really when you break it down, its about a bunch of people that want their books to be simple and watered down. They don't want anything too complex or beyond there little closed world views, because it might fry their little brain cells. I remember all of the bashing that Harry Potter got and still gets, because it advocates witchcraft. Really, its a fantasy book. We were making fun of this in the seventh grade which shows that children or even teenagers are not the problem with society. It is just a bunch of bitter old crones who are trying to push there limited world views on people. This will end up leading to a society that is emotionally stunted and unable to handle anything even remotely different. Rant over.
• United States
2 Dec 10
Yeah I couldn't believe that Huckleberry Finn was on the list. I mean I had to write soooo many book reports in school that some of my fav goto books were james and the giant peach and Huckleberry Finn.
• Malaysia
2 Dec 10
Thanks for listing the banned books. Ive not read it and from the respond i guess it is not worth it to read those banned book. what is the reason writing offensive material when what human need is everything good.
• United States
2 Dec 10
Although these were a few of the books that were on the new list for banned books in American schools and libraries, some of the books on the list were shocking for a whole nother reason! So the list might not be all that much of a waste of time to read.
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
1 Dec 10
I am seriously concerned about America and all things American. It seems to me that, with all it's 'freedom of speech' and 'rights of the people', it is actually very strait-laced and conservative ... so much so that it is progressively cutting itself off from the rest of the world and retreating into an insular state.
• United States
2 Dec 10
I hope this isn't news to you, I don't mean to sound like a 70s conspiracy theorist but the those that run the U.S government are all hypocrites.
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
2 Dec 10
I'm not sure. I don't have any idea why james and the giant peach would be banned. My mom reads a lot.. She reads everything from the kama sutra to the koran. She wanted to read mein kompf but was unable to locate it because it was banned. The biggest book company in canada (chapters) is owned by a Jewish women and she refused to sell it. This is what the nazis did. They banned books they didn't agree with and burned them. My mom was able to find and read mein kompf. She found it very educational. It was a very good insight into how twisted and perverse hitler really was. It also showed how he was able to manipulate the government and people around him to gain power. sometimes the subject of a book is undesirable but teaches us about wrongs in the past that we want to prevent from occuring again.
• United States
2 Dec 10
My big thing with this list was that as was stated before there wasn't enough info as to the why. I really liked reading james and the giant peach and I have seen the movie I don't know how many times but I still can't figure out where the 'socially offensive' part comes in.