Do You Have Any" Phobias"?

@jujunme (2501)
United States
December 2, 2010 1:49pm CST
I have a terrible fear of heights,i absolutely cringe at most large insects and i will run for the hills when seeing a mouse or rat anytime, anywhere.In my opinion, i think most people have at least one "phobia" or deep seeded fear of something in their life. So, i'm interested to know, what are you phobic about? and have you ever overcome a certain fear or phobia you once had? and if so how?
22 responses
• United States
2 Dec 10
I'm terrified of water, just thinking about being underwater is overwhelming for me. Even scenes in video games or movies that are underwater I have to look away or I won't be able to breathe, and don't even get me started on swimming. If the water comes up to my waste I get jittery, let alone any higher! I have been trying to get over it though, the books I've read on phobias say approach it in your mind first. So I visualize myself in aquatic situations that have happy endings ~LOL :)
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Dec 10
Yeah when I was younger(I was small for my age) the tide wafted me and my little innertube out way far. Waves kept crashing over me, aquatic life forms kept touching me...crazy scary. LOL ~ I didn't even know I could swim but I swam that day, I met the life guard part way!
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
2 Dec 10
I love swimming and being in the water in general. but, it's funny you mentioned "waist" high water.i totally panic when i don't realize how deep the water is getting so i can sympathize to a degree.but your fear of being underwater to that "extreme"("even scenes in video games or movies") sounds like you've had some bad experiences when it comes to anything involving being underwater.But, i'm glad you're at least doing some studying regarding this type of phobia, so hopefully little by litel you may be able to overcome this.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
3 Dec 10
it's really sad how a childhood experience can follow us into adulthood and keep us afraid of things .i could almost feel your very frightening ordeal involving the water. but, even your fear of drowning didn't prevent you from swimming to,on that day your will to survive even at a very young age, overtook your fear of what mught have happened.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
3 Dec 10
Hi sweetie. I am completely horrified when it comes to heights. That is going to be a problem for me. And i absolutely go nuts when i see a christmas beetle. I honestly hate those things. TATA.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
3 Dec 10
Don't know yet.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
4 Dec 10
Hi sweetie. Seems they will have to knock me out or something. S for those beetles.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
4 Dec 10
From what i've read here, it sounds like you're going to be traveling by plane soon. I don't envy you one bit.Someone would have to knock me out cold and make sure i stayed that way until the trip was over.People who don't suffer from this type of phobia, just don't realize how paralyzing it can be.maybe taking a tranquilizerbefore boarding may do the trick for you .As for your Christmas beetle fear,i wonder why they call them by that name? since Christmas is usually associated with fun and good times,Nothing good or fun about these critters, they're just totally disgusting and scary.
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
6 Dec 10
I totally have a phobia of snakes and mice. Snakes just seem totally creepy to me, and they have bothered me since I was a child. I would see one and run in fear. Mice are just so quick that they startle me. I don't want to kill them, I just want them outside in the fields! lol... :)I have not overcome either one of these phobias.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
7 Dec 10
Snakes?, not so much.I can look at them but probably would be afraid if they got too close.Mice?forget it.i can't express the feeling i get when i see one, i know they're basically harmless but i fear them as much as anything that can potentially hurt me.and i agree, i want them as far away from me as possible.and yes, i still have both these phobias as well. i guess we're stuck with them for life.
@stand87 (664)
• Bulgaria
2 Dec 10
Oh, yeah - I have some phobias. Since I was a kid I'm still afraid of spiders! I really can't stand them! I also hate snakes - but not as much as spiders. Even a small one can lift my hair up. It's kinda funny . . . Do you know, I even left my previous place because of a spider. Believe me, it was a BIG one! We don't have such spiders here in Bulgaria. But Destiny knows what to do and decided to send me an demon spider :D Like all the others I see around are not enough! Strange, isn't it?
@stand87 (664)
• Bulgaria
2 Dec 10
Actually, I forgot to mention the one I overcame - it's a stupid one. I've been afraid of werewolves :D Well, I'm still of afraid of the creature itself. But now I know that these are not existing (hopefully).
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
3 Dec 10
Snakes don't bother me as long as one never makes it's way into my home. But "spiders" just read a few of my other responses to let you know my complete fear of them.Some years ago i saw one on my shower wall and almost passed out with fright and disgust. i would not go in tomy bathroom until my husband came home to get rid of it, since this thing would not move from where i first found it./Fear of werewolves? ok, not stupid they are very frightening looking especially if you first saw them when you were a child,the fear can remain with you i was petrifed of King Kong as a child until i realized he isn't real and no, friend werewolves aren't either.
@fl0rencia (414)
• Philippines
3 Dec 10
I'm terribly afraid of cockroaches!! I don't know if there's phobia name for that. Well I guess there's a lot that are afraid with roaches. LOL. Is there a phobia name for fear of roaches? Hahaha. I don't what I'm afraid of. I haven't been on anything that I've been afraid all the time.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
3 Dec 10
LOL, i don't know if there's a name for the fear of "roaches" but if there is, we both have it. i absolutely hate them as well.I realize they can't really hurt us in any way, but i just can't stand seeing them at all. i think it's beacuse they look so disgusting.
@Valene82 (89)
• United States
3 Dec 10
I think it helps to remember that a phobia is usually irrational in nature. In fact, when you say you have a phobia, you probably know you are implying that you are afraid of something that most people are not, at least not at that level. Even if your phobia is not that unusual, such as a fear of heights, you imply that you accept it as not "normal." For instance, buckling your seatbelt because you "fear" getting into an accident would not be considered irrational or unnecessary precaution; however NEVER even getting in a car because you "fear" getting in an accident would be considered by most to be irrational and an unnecessary precaution. Most would probably think of the latter as a phobia and the former as precaution. When I was a child, I was terrified of spiders. If I saw one in the house, I would become very frightened and yell. My mother or sister would often then have to come kill it because I couldn't bear to go near it. But as I got older and learned more about nature and biology, I realized that the spider doesn't mean any harm to me and is probably more afraid of me than I of it. So I came to accept them more and while I would not want one crawling on me, I can remain calm when I see one. Not to say that I never smash one I find in my own house, but I am no longer so frightened that I can't be near it. I think the best thing you can do when you have a phobia is try to learn more about what you are afraid of and often try to learn more about yourself and think about what it is about a certain situation that causes you to have such an unpleasant reaction and determine if that's really necessary.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
3 Dec 10
Although i tend to agree with most of what you say here and let me add you've explained irrational fear and legitimate phobia's very well, When it comes to the fear of heights (and i can only speak for myself and some who have described why they know they are phobic about this,) is that this fear brings on "physical"feelings of danger as like falling off of whatever height one happens to be above. So, i would say this isn't an irrational state of being, since these things are not something one "perceives" to be dangerous on a irrational level, but literally "feels" that it is.So, i don't see how learning about this particular phobia or why people have this phobia, has any way of changing this,since the "feelings" answer those questions quite well.I may rationally know in my mind i won't actually fall off a building or mountain while looking down, but the feeling that i will is enough to keep me away for high places.As for spiders, biologically yes, i may know they mean us no harm, but even the thought of them can make me cringe.but, do you think those of us who say we have a fear of them due to thinking they may harm us? or,is it just because we find them so unpleasant and creepy looking we say we fear them.
• United States
8 Dec 10
I would say you are definitely right that you "know" in your mind that you are being irrational when you have these "feelings" of physical danger. But I think those "feelings" in your body are instigated by irrational fear in your mind. Something in your subconscious is informing your visceral fight or flight response that you are in danger to the degree that you actually feel like the feared outcome is happening. Remember that our bodies and minds are connected, right? For example, you know when you have a fear of insects and once you see one crawling across the floor you lay in bed and could just SWEAR that some are crawling on you at that moment? To me, that is fear informing your physical being of "feelings" that aren't even really happening. And that is a fairly common experience that most people have. So in this view, I would say becoming more "familiar" with heights and perhaps delving into the subconscious to discover what mental information is consistently informing your mind-body to have this response is what would set one free of the fear. Learning to feel that your physical state is secure when you are near a high place will help you feel more comfortable and make it easier for you to accept heights, or whatever situation gives you these feelings.
@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
3 Dec 10
I'm afraid I have a phobia for heights too but am not sure. I will relate to you a recent experience and let me know if you can help decide my case. Just the other day I had gone to a mall, although I had little intention to shop or eat anything. I escalated few flights of stairs and finally got to the top most floor. I strolled across the floor window-shopping several merchandises for all the things I wouldn't buy and finally relented at the parapet fencing the open central area reaching down to the ground floor. I leaned over the railing to get a top view of the proceedings down below and felt a chill of fear tingle my body. My heartbeat did up a little, although nowhere close to palpitation. A few scenes of worse things befalling me did flash to my imagination, albeit fleetingly. The experience on the whole wasn't dreadful altogether, but it did shake me a little for the short time I spent there gazing underneath. Why I mentioned earlier I'm not sure if this could amount to a phobia is because for one, the parapet was of glass/fiber with metal railing and not enough to absolutely ascertain safety against a mishap; and two, the parapet was short to my own liking, even if it wasn't short enough to tumble over. I haven't been to dizzying heights that often, so I cannot even confirm from my memory if this is a one-off incident or otherwise. What do you make of all this, am I acrophobic?
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
3 Dec 10
Since you only mention this one uncomfortable incident, i can't really say whether you have a legitimate fear of heights or, were you, at that moment when you looked down and realized you weren't in such a safe position,so aware of the danger, it caused you to feel somewhat afraid and produced the symptoms you described Although i will say the symptoms you mention"chill of fear" "heartbeat up a little" are very similar, but to a much greater extent to the feelings i get when in a high place or leaning over a high railing and i do have a phobia for heights, i would have to say you had a "phobic" moment, but for a very legitimate reason.
• Singapore
3 Dec 10
Yea I do have one, but I don't know if that's considered one. I'm especially afraid and disgusted of those rusts that you see on floors. You know, those brownish orange patches, sometimes, dots here and there and sometimes one big patch. When I see those, I'll be quite creeped out inside and I feel very disgusted, especially when the floor is moist and the brownish orange thingy appearing there...Eww... ARGH. Yucks. Hmm...thinking about this, I do have quite a unique phobia.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
3 Dec 10
I would say that your fear of those "brownish orange patches" of rust are not really phobic fears but just that you find them so disgusting looking they acually bring on terrible physical feelings for you.("EWW...ARGH...Yucks") although if the strong feelings you describe are maybe due to a bad past experience you've had involving those rust patches, you might say you are now a little phobic about them. But i will agree when you say yo have a "unique phobia" since this is the first time i've ever heard of that particualr one.But i wouldn't worry about it much, since,as long as you stay away from rusty old floors, you'll be ok.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
3 Dec 10
Hi, You may find strange on my Phobia - I am not phobia on heights,but I am phobia with the word "fever". Everytime when my son has fever, I started to get nervous and this phobia feeling comes to me again. It was because when my son was around 1.5 years old, he was hospitalized due to high fever, I was so heart pain to see him in this condition. So from that day onward, I was phobia with "FEVER", not a good sign and I always have sleepless night when my son is attacking by fever. Especially in the midnight, the fever tend to rise up very high. I do hope I can get rid of this phobia soon.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
4 Dec 10
I can completely understand your fear of the word "Fever."Words can be very powerful things and since you associate the word fever with a person you love (your son) who has had high fevers, anytime you hear the word you automatically think of your child and the sadness and fear you feel when he gets sick with fever.
@junil_jk (496)
• India
3 Dec 10
i'm afraid of heights too. i don't know since when i developed it but i realize i'm afraid of heights. i had lots of dreams related to heights where i'd be clinging on desperately to something from the top of a building, cliff, mountain,...anything tall, only to fall off and wake up suddenly as soon as i touch the ground. it's terrifying u know, even in dreams. i'm afraid of certain insects and reptiles (especially snakes). recently i've developed a fear of flying. with the rise in air accidents i began to develop this fear and anxiety grips me even with every little shudder i experience while flying. i didn't have this fear at all before and i've been flying quite frequently for the past 15 years.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
4 Dec 10
I've also had dreams of falling, off buildings, mountains etc...and unless someone has this phobia they can't understand what that feels like, it's a complete loss of control and even in dreams you can "feel" that terrible sense of falling with nothing to hold on to,and you're correct,it is very terrifying.i'm really surprised at your "recent" fear of flying, since being on airplane has a lot to do with heights , so i would think this would go along with your fear of this as well.Unless you never take a window seat, which is very understandable.maybe your experience with flying for that many years has helped you in some way. As for insects and reptiles, snakes don't bother me as long as i never come in contact with one up close. but insects(not the small ones, ants fly's things like that) especially those huge ones,i can't even force myself to mention, absolutely make me cringe with fear and loathing.
• Philippines
3 Dec 10
yes i have...i have fear on spider especially to the big spider called tarantula.. when i was alone in our house i saw a big spider under the table.. i was so scared i don't know what i am going to do that time.. is it funny? hehehee... that's all..nice discussion!
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
4 Dec 10
I can definitely understand your fear of spiders.i came in contact with a big spider who was crawling on my shower wall. it scared me so much i ran out of there and wouldn't go back until it was gone. And Noooo, not funny at all, just very the way, glad you enjoyed this dicussion, ty
• India
3 Dec 10
Yes i have a fear of heights and also water, I am scared of water in circular objects like drums and cylinders. I have been having this fear ever since i was a kid. I also have this fear of reptiles and snakes. I was once almost bitten by a snake once. That i must admit was really scary for me also as well. I am scared of my mom too! That is not a phobia but still scared of her... Cheers!
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
4 Dec 10
Your fear of heights,i completely understand, and almost getting bit by a snake would definitely cause anyone to become phobic about them. but there are 2 things you mentioned that bsffle me a bit. fear of water in "circular objects and cylinders?" and the fear of your Mom. if you get that time could you somehow let mw know why water in objects like these frighten you? And about your Mom, i maybe can guess why you might be afraid of her, but i'm just a bit curious to know the resaon. but, if you can't talk about this, that's perfectly it mught be a very private thing for you.
@pinkhawk7 (229)
• Philippines
3 Dec 10
Hello jujunme! I think I have lots of phobia but I can't enumerate all of them, ^_^! Like you, I'm also afraid of heights. I could feel the shaking/trembling in my body so as much as possible I'm avoiding high places.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
3 Dec 10
It's really something when you can literally "feel" like you're going to fall or you get so shaky and nervous just looking down from a high place. it's so frightening. Most people that know about phobia's and fears say that you should face your fears head on, so that you may overcome them, but, when it comes to my fear of heights i just can't seem to get rid of it.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
3 Dec 10
I too, have fear of heights. My officemates would always entice me to go ziplining but i really would just go and watch them but never try it because of my fear of heights. Eversince i was a child , i have this fear of heights. I don't even want to lean so much in a railing of a veranda or a deck of a high building. I don't even want looking out of the window of a very high building. I would just watch a scenery from a very high building within a distance from its window. I am also afraid of snakes, specially those big snakes , that even watching documentaries or seeing pictures of them gives me creeps. It's as if they're going to bite me or swallow me whole. I would always change channel if the TV program has some videos of snakes.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
4 Dec 10
Looking over "verandas" or high railings are terrifying to me as well. i will also keep my distance from high places as much as possible. I really wish i knew how all this started ,but, i can't remember a time when i wasn't afraid of heights.Since you have this phobia as well, you can understand the "feelings" one gets when being in a high place or looking over railings and things.Don't you feel as if you are going to fall over any minute? as for snakes i can see one as long as they're not to close, but you have a real phobia for them.if you could just look at them and understand they can't hurt you from afar you may be able to at least do that much it's just so confusing as to how these things get started, but they are certainly very real.
• India
3 Dec 10
I have a fear of insects and toads . I live in a swampy area which is kind of wet for most part of the year . So it is very common for the Toads and Frogs to be present here . I don't mind them in the ground even near me , but I feel extremely uncomfortable if one touches my legs . They are kind of sloppy which makes me cringe a little if they come in contact with me .
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
3 Dec 10
OMG "toads", I can't stand even looking at one,nevermind that they "are" very slimy looking. i don't think this is a fear, primarily because a toad can't really harm us in any way. I think it's more a less a feeling of disgust when either looking at them imagining they may touch us in any way. Living in an area where you must come in contact with lots of creepy bugs and toads must be very uncomfortable for you, but it's also a great place to overcome your fear of these things since there so much part of your every day surroundings.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Dec 10
jujunme hi yes I am also really afraid of heights as I always have this picture of me falling or jumping over the edge of a railing .that's one reason I dislike the nose bleed section of baseball seating an want to be further down and closer to the action. I refusedsto walk by the railings of two storied malls much to my husband's amusement.Although I am a widow I still do not walk near the railings as it gives me the creeps for sure.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
2 Dec 10
OMG, i can so relate to that.The feeling of falling is so real,it can't be described in words.I will not sit up on a high place "period".and when looking down from a tall building i can actually imagine myself falling off.forget about Ferris wheels,(i remember being on one that got stuck when my car was on the very top and the panic that went through me was unbelievable) Over the years i have tried to "face" these fears, but, have't had much luck as of yet.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
3 Dec 10
I'm afraid of roaches spiders bee's centipedes and other insects, accept butterfly's I kinda like those sort insects there pretty and harmless. But other then that I'm (not) afraid of heights, water, the dark, horror movies or TV shows. in fact the goriest film dosent phase me go figure.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
3 Dec 10
Since i am also afraid of the things you mentioned,i'm wondering if this is a phobia, or, are we just so disgusted by the way they look, that the very thought of them makes us feel uncomfortable.but,the butterflies you mention are pretty to look at , so we don't fear them at all.I also am not afraid of gory movies, but some of them do make me a little sick to my stomach, since they can be very bloody and really look authentic.
@Suzieqmom (2755)
• United States
3 Dec 10
I am afraid of roller coasters. Not heights, not flying, just roller coasters. I did, however, attempt to overcome my fear this year by going on Space Mountain with my sons this year. I was scared stiff, but I survived, and am quite proud of myself. Don't need to do it ever again, though!
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
3 Dec 10
i live in NY, so i don't know if you've ever heard of Rye Playland, anyway, they have this massive roller coaster(forgot the name of it)and since everyone with me decided to ride this monster and i felt a little embarassed about my fear of heights i made the mistake of going on this ride and i can tell you i was absolutely terrified and felt i would fall off at any minute(the ride felt like it would never end) . and even though, like you, i was somewhat proud of doing this, i know i'll never do it again.
@cryox92 (168)
• Macedonia
2 Dec 10
Unfortunately i do have phobias, they are not really that bad, but enough to upset me. This may sound funny but I'm disgusted by spiders, Anarachophobia was the name i think, not quite sure tho. I'm also afraid of heights, i wasn't always afraid of it tho. I fell off the balcony when i was like 10, and i've been afraid if heights ever since then.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
2 Dec 10
Fear of spiders? that doesn't sound funny at all. I absolutley hate them myself and really, any creeping crawling insect. They just give me the creeps. It seems your fear of heights has a real cause behind it.Literally falling off a balcony or any high place will most likely cause anyone to contact this type of phobia, very frightening.
• Philippines
3 Dec 10
Yes dear. I have so many phobias. i do not know why i have so many phobias and it is too long to mentioned those fears i have.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
3 Dec 10
Sometimes our phobia's can't be explained.They seem to come out of nowhere.But, most of the time some bad experiences in our childhood causes us to be afraid later on in life and since we may not remember how they started in the first place we just go on being afraid and not remembering why, so there is no way of dealing with them.