The stock Market.. HOW?

United States
December 8, 2010 1:14pm CST
Okay so I want to invest some money in the stock market but My question is how do I do it. Where do I go to buy stock and do I have to use a 3rd party website. Id rather go down to the bank and by it.. But I dont know how its done or where to go.. Im not sure What to do. Can anyone help me here...Please?
1 response
@TeamCholent (2832)
• United States
8 Dec 10
The easiest way is to go through a Trading Website if you don't want to go through a broker. The advantage of the website is you have control over your shares and can sell anytime and have charts available for you to see and read about the shares you have and other companies etc. You will also have lower fees associated with trading. I myself trade daily online using 2 websites for different types of investments. If you need any help just let me know.