Oh..!!! Girls these days....:P

girls rule - girls surely rule... atleast in my college. :P
@sagnik42 (3592)
December 9, 2010 4:47am CST
First, I do not have anything against girls, except that they talk too much... The story I am about to tell is about my friend and his girlfriend. My friend studies with me and has recently taken up an internship at a law firm. We have morning college so he can work full time in the firm, no problems there. Now his girlfriend is all freaked out because he can't invest time for her or return her texts as much as he used to do. Believe it or not, they are on the verge of breaking up over this issue. I mean can't a guy work now, because his girl friend won't let him have a career!! And here I was thinking that girls fall for guys who have a good career and money and want to do something in life. Seriously, have you heard anything like this before??? Oh and the photo is just a joke... Didn't mean to offend anybody..
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24 responses
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
9 Dec 10
Hi sweetie. Then he should leave her. It's just as good i tell my boyfriend to leave his job and spend the whole day everyday with me. Don't get me wrong, i won't mind. But that is freaking childish. Tell her to grow up or something. No offense taken with the pic. TATA.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
9 Dec 10
Highly experienced on love sector but failed.... where i am.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
9 Dec 10
You are suppose to plant veggies for the monks. Now move.
@shibham (16977)
• India
9 Dec 10
oh... u don't know i have returned from Tibet.. I only planted chillies....Indian chillies...
@shibham (16977)
• India
9 Dec 10
Sure, this is not a perfect match sure. Once i met a girl who said to leave drama if i want to stay with her. I said never as drama is my soul so said her to get a life. frrrr....
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@shibham (16977)
• India
9 Dec 10
Yes, yes, yes...... Frrrr.....
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
9 Dec 10
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
9 Dec 10
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Dec 10
You are right sagnik!GIrls [and that includes me , a female, though my age disqualifies me from being a 'girl']do talk too much. As for the problem on hand, I am sorry for this situation. Your friend is young and is just about to establish himsself in a career. His priorities would naturally be with that and if the girlfriend cannot understand it and throws tantrums it is better that he states his mind and makes things clear an d take matters theron.If she does not agree and wants everything her way, then it is better they break up now. Educated girls need to show a bit of maturity and cannot expect their boyfriends to keep dancing to their tunes. They would once again not like it if he has no proper career . THis is the inital period of job acceptance and the employers would throw him out [or give a negative feedback]if he concentrates more on the girl and less on his job.Tell your friend to ask her if he should leave his job and be with her through the day?
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@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
9 Dec 10
Hi Kalav, No need to ask her. She has already said that. "Leave the job and be with me." I have heard a lot of silly talks but that tops the lot. Wonder how he could have her as his girlfriend for 4 years!! Atleast one 'girl' accepts the fact that she does talk too much. I just showed your post to my sister and to be honest she is really angry with you because you accepted the truth. Have a nice day.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Dec 10
I have never heard of such nonsense. Your friend should break up with this idiotic girl.My mind shudders to imagine him married to this girl and this girl getting pregnant and asking him to hold hands all the time.He can have no fruitful career except 'wife' sitting then.And for your sister being angry with me, I guess she is a young girl. Tell her that we women are wired that way; GOd has created them like that .Research has proved that a woman talks much more than a man ; let her also take heart from the fact that we are none the less for it. THere is nothing wrong in accepting reality. We tend to voice our thoughts many times even when it is not needed. THat is why even mother inlaw and daughterinlaw , sisters-in-law who are at loggerheads with each other would also be seen cosily chatting with each other at times. Women are slightly complicated creatures and this varies from person to person [only in degrees]. Your sister would also accept the truth soon.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
9 Dec 10
Don't worry about my sister, Kalav. She wasn't really angry. But she was kind of irritated that somebody has actually shared my opinion and she has lost. You see, I tease her a lot about girls not being able to keep their mouths shut. She disagrees, of course (though she keeps blabbering something or the other all the time and she knows that pretty well) and that has been the case for a long time now. She was feeling a bit helpless today, I guess. On the other hand I had a great time pulling her leg.
• India
9 Dec 10
I don't think that always girls are wrong or right but in this case the girlfriend should understand a bit. The boyfriend is not able to give her some time becuase he wants to build up his career. I feel that they should talk about the matter to each other and make some Mutual agreement within them. Like they will talk or text during lunch time or at night's. Understanding is the major part of a relationship. If there is no understanding then there will be only 1 thing. Fight's and then it will lead to Breakup.
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• India
9 Dec 10
I feel that the guy should talk to the girl. And just make that guy tell her that problem and then ask her that What does she Want.. the guy will surely get the answer.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
9 Dec 10
That is exactly what is happening Pratik. But as far as I know they have talked a lot on this issue. We have tried to talk to the girl and make her understand. She has listened but the problems are creeping up again. Break up is inevitable in this situation, I suppose.
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@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
9 Dec 10
They have been over all those things. Even we friends sat down with them on one occasion and tried to sort out the problem. Things seemed a little quiet on the front after that. But that was short lived. It has started again.
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@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
9 Dec 10
Hmmm, that sounds like a teenager I once knew. She was engaged. She loved her man very much at the time. But when her fiancee's 21st birthday came along, she convinced him to stay with her all day when he should have gone to work. So I ended up ringing up his work and explained what had happened. It was lucky for him that I saved his job. If it wasn't for me ringing, he would have lost his job because of her. I was not happy that he almost lost it because an uncle of mine got him the job. In the end after they moved out of my house, he did lose his job because she wanted to spend time with him and didn't want to be on her own. Today, he does have a job, He is a dad and he does work. He is also in a relationship with the baby's mother. I am so proud of him and with all that he has achieved. and he isn't family. The teenager I am talking about is my step daughter. She wanted money for nothing and is a bad influence on her partners. She drains them, makes them lose their jobs and when they have no money, she leaves them for another one.
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• Australia
16 Dec 10
yep. she is still like that. She rarely keeps in touch with her dad. That I don't mind because after all she did to my family. My own kids are my priority. Not her even though she is accepted in the family. There is nothing any one can do for her. I have tried. But she likes to live the life she has always known. One thing for sure is that she will not get far in live. It is very sad because she is one beautiful young woman. She has so much potential. She could do very well and succeed in any job she wished for. But she is happy getting money off the government for nothing.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
9 Dec 10
Hi chookie, She really is messed up!! Is your step daughter still carrying on the same way?? What does she want in life? This surely cannot go on for ever and she must know that.
• Philippines
9 Dec 10
Aye...we do tend to be more expressive than most boys... and your friend's girlfriend is acting silly, but your friend just needs to talk it over with her and make her realize the importance of his internship...our partners should always be supportive in our positive ventures and if not then he has got to leave her, and find someone else D=
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
9 Dec 10
Hi Mar, Unfortunately that is the harsh truth he has to face pretty soon. I am pretty sure of that and so is he.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
12 Dec 10
There are like that but some them are rich. They don't want their guy or boyfriend pursuing a career or jobs because they want the companionship all days. This is not a problem because they are rich. But the problem is with the guy because he have his own life to manage and not the others to manage him...
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
16 Dec 10
Hi aerous, Guys do have that problem. No matter what, they have to establish themselves in life. We have it really hard on us.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
12 Dec 10
This girl seems insecure. I think I'd find a more level headed woman. Let her go drive someone else crazy.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
16 Dec 10
Hi Andy, If only my friend would understand this, we would be spared the headache. He is just too madly in love to actually part with her. He needs time. Thank you for the response.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
16 Dec 10
I doubt he's in love. Sounds like infatuation. Love doesn't switch off your brain, and make you stupid zombie that follows around poison.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
11 Dec 10
Well, it has definitely been proven that women talk far more than males do. However, I know that if I was in the position of your friend's girlfriend, I would be very happy about the fact that my boyfriend was working an internship that could lead to a job that could eventually lead to big money for the two of us. That said, I don't know what the reason is at all that she is upset about the fact that he isn't as available now as she is used to him being.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
11 Dec 10
Hi Doran, We are all puzzled about the REASON. Even her boyfriend.
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
10 Dec 10
Now the question is "who is the luckiest out of these two" Just that your lover fails to text you at regular intervals doesn't mean he/she is avoiding you or do not love you ... at the same time "Is it that good to be with someone who do not understand or trust YOU?" May be she is scared that her BF might start a new affair at his work place lol.Girls are Jealous too you know
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
11 Dec 10
Hi Sunny, Was expecting you to respond much earlier...specially since the topic of the discussion concerns girls.. Girls are jealous.. there is no doubt about that. I agree, there is no point in being with a person who doesn't trust you. We told my friend that same thing. But he doesn't want to let go of his love that easily. And all this is ruining the mood of our group...
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
16 Dec 10
We all hope so. But nothing has improved between them. BTW, how is it possible that there is an animal who is more retarded than you???
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
12 Dec 10
Was a little busy handling one retarted billi Yeah Girls are damn jealous --- Why you talking with that girl ... this girl ... whats up btw you two .... holy $hit ... tooo annoying to be someone of that kinda mean attitude! Hope your friend and his GF try to understand each other and get going long way
@tramp001 (10)
• China
11 Dec 10
Oh,oh... I don't know how to say.Career of course is very important for a man. I have heard storys like your friends. It somekind caused by the girlfriend,however, from the other way, I think that also includes an attidute to the life. Any way, for your friend, the career is important,and girlfriend is also very important. So, wish the boyfriend can deal efficiently with his work and have time left to accompany his girlfriend. For the girlfriend, wish her understand her boyfriend. Good communication may help them to resolve the problem! God bless them.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
16 Dec 10
Hi Tramp, This kind of things aren't that rare?? I have never heard of any such thing, ever. A lot of things have to work for the relation to work. Don't have any hopes, but wishing the best for my friend. Thank you for the response.
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
10 Dec 10
Well its no no situation :) Girls want attention , but well we got a living expenses and well working is the way to get them , its too bad he dont have time but the problem is more like will he ever have time , once college is over then will he have a free time for the girl , well if for this they want to break up , i think they are not going to last long anyway :) irls fall for whatever the better they can get their hands on :P (nor really ... i think ;) )
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
11 Dec 10
Hi Xansus, Our college is just for 4 hours and my friend talks with his girlfriend at least a couple of times. So I really don't think he is going to have much extra time on his hand even after college. And we still have nearly 2 years left in college. So I dont think there is any point thinking about that.
@Lance26 (956)
• Philippines
16 Dec 10
Maybe the girl is in the adjusting period as your friend is taking up his internship and at the same time studying in the morning thus he can't return her text messages as he used to. Give her ample time to cope up with it as she might misses your friend so badly.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
16 Dec 10
Hi Lance, It has been some time since my friend joined the internship. If the girl can really finally adjust to this, it will be great. That is what my friend wants. That is why he is still trying his best to keep the relation floating. Hope his efforts are not in vain. Thank you for the response.
@zenkey23 (416)
• Philippines
9 Dec 10
Hello sagnik42! haha LOL:) Girl`s are so talkative nowadays:)[sometimes only didnt mean to offend someone:)] Girl`s are getting stronger in terms of teasing and commanding:) Girl`s this day are getting hazard hehe:) [OOPS! just an opinion:)]
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
9 Dec 10
Hi Zenkey, I like girls who are smart and in control of their life. But this one is just too selfish, if that is the right word. Well, girls were always a bit hazardous...They never make things easy, do they??
• United States
10 Dec 10
I wouldn't talk bad about your buddys girlfriend because if they break up he will lump into the same category as somebody who didn't support his relationship. The girl needs to know that she is not his night and day, unless he makes her that. He needs a life too. I would just keep doing my thing and not worry about what she isn't getting from the relationship.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
11 Dec 10
Hi Player, But that would inevitably mean a break up. Their relationship won't work that way. That is the only thing there is left to do in these circumstances.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
10 Dec 10
she is just being so needy, some girls can be like that..they just need attention. lol give her something to do! hahah or tell your friend to run! hahaha but really, there are times when some girls do act that way, and i believe it is a bit immature or maybe that girl do not trust your friend..she might be thinking he is fooling around or something..:D
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
11 Dec 10
Hi Juan, Suspecting something is quite natural, yes. But I do not think after 4 years of relationship (which has never had any such problems) a girl should be paranoid about my friend having an affair. Girls can be so weird..!!!
• India
10 Dec 10
dude if a guy wants to impress a girl 1.respect her 2.honour her 3.love her 4.protect her 5.care for her 6.continues BUT if a girl wants to impress a boy, just a smile, he's finish.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
11 Dec 10
Hi Thomas, Seriously, we have to work so much to impress a girl. It is so much hard work...Girls have it so easy. They do have to work on that smile, though but that's all.
@fl0rencia (414)
• Philippines
10 Dec 10
Hahaha. This made me laugh because I've been like that to my lover before. I know it's not right but I though I'll miss him so much if he won't text me as much as he do before. Anyways, your friend and his girlfriend could talk about it. He should explain it to her clearly(actually he shouldn't explain this anymore because it is understandable). After the talk and she understands it already but still wants what she wants then maybe it is the time for him to break up with her. Because obviously, it's not worth it. How could they have a better future if she won't even allow him to do his best at work. You know. :)
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
11 Dec 10
OMG florencia, you have..!!! That is sad. I am watching my friend and praying all the time not to have a girlfriend like his..I really don't have one right now, but that is far better than having one who wants so much out of you. Talking won't get their relationship much further. There has already been a lot of talking and that hasn't helped anything. It isn't worth it...you are right.
• China
10 Dec 10
I can totally understand the girl. as lovers, she definitely wanna stay with the boy all the time; however I do persist that if she loves him deeply, she also needs to be understanding . I think the boy can spend sometime talking with the girl and try to solve it .
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
11 Dec 10
Hi desiree, They talk and text every single day. Even we get bored when they talk so much. But still it isn't enough for the girl. Of course, you want to be always with the person you love, but there must be a limit to it, isn't it??
9 Dec 10
haha its funny how girls are...some of them wants texts every minute and some of them never reply to texts. and yes, its very common haha!
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
11 Dec 10
Hi, Jungstar, Is it really that common?? Some girls want attention all the time, that is true... but they won't stop their boyfriend from building up his career, would they??? I have never heard of any situation like this.