off for 4 days without going nowhere

@gi2h_san (162)
December 11, 2010 6:15am CST
heloo all my college has been off for 4 days. during that time i just stay in my boarding house doing nothing but browsing internet ol the time.. and now im feeling little bit bored.. what would you do if you are off for 4 days??
5 responses
@Wefight (328)
11 Dec 10
Well there are lots of things too do like play computer games go shopping and obviously the best and the funnest come on mylot where you can earn some more money for when you are not bored also are you not allowed to leave to go home to see your family and also why is your college shut is it due to bad weather or what? I will be on mylot most of today and tomorow so we can discuss things with each other.You hate college and then you cant do with out it lol.I sure am missing my old routine.
@gi2h_san (162)
• Indonesia
11 Dec 10
the college is off because we just did the examination. just 4 day break.. i ve been spending my time today by playing computer and browsing internett and mylotting.. and i ve been bored of doing that since morning.. and i cant go shopping because i dont have much money.. that's why i feel bored
@maezee (41996)
• United States
11 Dec 10
Well there's nothing wrong with having 4 days off of school! Take advantage of it the best you can! I have the day off of work tomorrow..And I'm super excited to sleep in and sit around and do nothing all day!! You could take on a project, if you're that bored, such as re-organizing, re-arranging, writing a story, reading a book, etc - if you need something to do!
• Singapore
11 Dec 10
I'll probably go out with my friend and cycle or go for planespotting. Even for an introvert like me, I find that staying at home for days can be really boring and cooped up.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
11 Dec 10
My college has been off since yesterday. That is 2 days now. I didn't have much to do. So just played games and started participating in mylot again. I have been away for quite a while now and it is nice to be posting in this site again.
@cheravs (619)
• Philippines
11 Dec 10
It's only 4 days so just be patient. Why not go overnight to a friend living nearby just to have a little adventure. Or make something for your family for this coming Christmas like cards or handy crafts gift.