Did you like math when you were in high school?

@tck_01 (96)
December 15, 2010 1:20am CST
One of the subjects I hated the most in high school was math. I think you need a really good teacher in order to like that dry subject. What I didn't like about math is that I couldn't see how it applied to the real world. I never saw television programs or documentaries about math, which really made me wonder how math would be useful...
7 responses
@MrGhost (550)
22 Mar 13
I always loved and enjoyed math as a school student and I still love and enjoy it though my profession has nothing to do with math.
• India
3 Mar 13
I loved maths when I was in high school. Though till date I haven't come across anything that needs knowledge of maths. I am really surprised about all the stuff that is taught which is actually never needed unless you want to be a specialist in your field.
@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
16 Dec 10
I really did not like math in high school. Well, I still don't like math. It has never really been the subject that I was good at.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
17 Feb 13
I never liked math in highschool. I always just thought it was boring and like you said, I never could see how math would apply to real life after school. But only to count money and such.
• United States
26 Apr 11
No way! Math was never my thing! My daughter is taking algebra now and I'm LOSS!!!
@overtoom (33)
• United States
19 Jun 11
maths is awesome :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!loved it !!!!!!!!! however , sometimes there's some hard questions but the overall is awesome :) !!
• Calgary, Alberta
15 Dec 10
I hate Math too, Its very mind torturing, I never had any practical uses for them. Its not my side of the coin. My fave language on Highschool are History and English because they were easy and I enjoy them a lot. I never like Mathematics at all. I hate Algebra,Trigonometry and all branches of Math. During elementary up to sophomore Highschool, Science is my fave subject but on my Junior year, I met Chemistry and Physics....It makes me hate science too.