if you woke up one morning to find yourself young again what changes would you?

December 15, 2010 1:55am CST
here's the scenario, you wake up one morning only to find your a 2 year old again,but you have all the memories of your older life , thus you've been given a chance to restart and do every thing again with a better mind , now what do you plan to accomplish , this is with reference to all those people who say "OH MAN, IF I WAS YOUNG AGAIN I WOULD......." ,so what would you do?
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2 responses
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Dec 10
It will be exciting. It's great to be a child again, but it is bad if I lost my knowledge and I have to learn everything again. I wish I could maintain my current knowledge and others may think I am a genius:) And I can have more time study further. I am sorry that I didn't study hard when I was a student. If there will be one more chance, I won't waste the time any more. And I will understand my parents and try to be a good child. I love China
• Pakistan
16 Dec 10
i already mentioned it earlier that the knowledge and memories of your older life are still with you, it's a one way ticket to become the next world genius alright.... It's great you love your homeland, i LOVE Pakistan too, but you wanna know what else i also LOVE China as well, i wish to visit it at least once in my life, it's one of my life goals....
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
15 Dec 10
First, that would certainly scared me witless. Second, I don't really want that to happen to me. I would just miss my children. When I look at my children, I would think that all turned out well with all my mistakes and failures. I won't be at this point if not for those and I won't be the person that I am now if not for those mistakes. So I would not rather go back. I would rather go forward since I have learned the lessons that I am supposed to learn at this point of my life.
• Pakistan
16 Dec 10
hmmmm your right from your point of view, a mother thinks differently as she cares more for her little chick's then she does for herself, great response!, now that's a response from the heart!!!