What can I do for 200$ or 10000 Pesos?

@nykel88 (999)
December 23, 2010 7:01pm CST
Hi to all Mylotters! I'm looking for ways how to earn by just investing those values in the internet but it seems I haven't found the right site. Though there are bux sites but I'm still not trusting them.. any other other alternatives to making money online should be helpful to hear.
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5 responses
@mrblur94 (57)
• Singapore
24 Dec 10
never ever invest so much online. its just not worth it. try shares or the bank. at first you will not really get much back. but you will get the hang of it soon. once you have earnt, use the profits to invest again and keep the $200 BACK INTO YOUR POCKET. then when you earn even more, combine the money to make even more money. after you have achieved enough money, open a shop with the money you earn as a business adventure. never-mind if your business fails as the money is achieved in investing and take it as a life experience. good luck with your money. hope this helped. PS. try investing in Singaporean stocks. i heard that banks will invest in singtaporean companies and the shares will hit a high.
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@nykel88 (999)
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
You mean I would invest it on Stock Shares? Wouldn't that be well kinda be risky.. Since I only have the capital of 200$ I don't know if does work for me. I'm not a Stock broker.. and I dont know how the trend nor how it is being manipulated.
• Singapore
24 Dec 10
nothing comes easily, friend. you have to study loads of information off the internet. keep your bucks first. do some homework. ask around. get experience by observing others invest. as a man once said, "there is no shortcut to success" $200 may seem a small amount but after years, you will have the right amount that you wanted. you can actually start by investing in currencies since all the currencies are dropping at a low. i cannot tell you which one to buy for i am not an expert. but it can be your stepping stone to a wonderful success, or a meaningful failure as either way, you learn something new.
@nykel88 (999)
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
Ok Thank you for your shares. Though I still needed a few more tips around on how to invest my money. If only a sign comes out for me.
@hexeduser22 (7257)
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
Forex investment would be ideal but as any other online investment program there is not a guarantee of earning because there is a big chance of losing too, specially when you are just a new forex trader. I wont recommend HYIP because 99% of them goes scam. Good HYIP will last about a year or two and then goes bye bye running away with our precious investments. If you really want to invest that sum of money just try to learn forex for now and if you are confident enough with your trading skills you start to invest
• United States
24 Dec 10
There's probably a good investment site. I would be afraid to suggest one to you, because there's been quite a few sites that I really had my trust in and one day I'd get up and get ready to earn again for a while and I wouldn't be able to get the site back up. I'd learn by searching for answers that the sight actually no longer existed and there would be no message or anything when you'd try to call the site up. I'm sure some mylotters will be able to give you some good reliable information. Good luck.
@nykel88 (999)
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
Forex Investments.. I don't know how it goes so I rather not invest my 200$ there yet unless i know the scheme for that. Thank you for all your suggestion guys but I'm still not that quite see what I want. Thank you and Have Merry Christmas.
• United States
24 Dec 10
Okay, 200 Pesos is way less than $200 American dollars. Here in America, $200 does not go very far. It could feed a person for about a week or two depending on how far you can really stretch that dollar.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
27 Dec 10
I can't help you out at all here because I've not made enough money online to even think about investing any of my earnings. However, I would say that if you are trying to make a couple hundred dollars without investing any of your money, I would think that the best thing that you can look into is to do some article writing. I started doing that just a few months ago and I've actually been doing quite well with writing articles.
@Jacobus1919 (1683)
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
Bro, How was the boards? If I had 200$.. I would initially start up a small business. Or invest over the internet wisely though. Or you could hand it over to me? Cause, we are friends? hahaha joke Nykel... Hope you did well in the boards. Merry Christmas.
@nykel88 (999)
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
Well my question here is where to invest? The board was I rather say it was hard. Yeah It was hard or rather confusing choices. Thanks for the concern. Hows School? Merry Christmas to you to Marco.