My personal problem with Acne

United States
December 26, 2010 5:46pm CST
I've suffered from acne ever since i was 11 years old, I've never had a clear face since then. I'm 18 now and i have the worse case of acne, i have it controlled right now with some creams the dermatologist gave me. I feel okay with is now, but all the past damage from past acne is there on my face. I don't have terrible deep acne scars. But i do have red acne scars all over my cheeks. It really lowers my self esteem and feel ugly. I'm getting a chemical peel in January and i'm very nervous. I don't know what to expect. Do any of you know what it likes. And the possibility of it helping my acne and not making my face worse?
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8 responses
@juice123 (14)
• Canada
25 Feb 11
I started getting acne when I was about 13. At that time I went to see a dermatologist who I still see to this day. He prescribed Benzyol Peroxide 10%. It has been a life saver for me. I always would get the really big cyst acne that none of the over the counter creams would get rid of. This cream totally works!!! It is a preventative and a treatment and I use it day and night together with a topical antibiotic.
@mhypie03 (683)
• Philippines
4 Jan 11
Hello there. Please keep your self esteem intact. There's hope for that. I have recommended this to one mylot user from Indonesia who has a body pimple that embarrasses him because he is a swimming instructor. So everytime he teaches, students can't help but notice. He tried what I said and he's doing fine now. I will try to find our discussion and post it here for your reference. Now going back, don't feel weird. Please try what he and I are using called Anion Napkin. It has negative ions good for the body. The napkin and pantiliners have green strip on the middle of it that you can remove to place on the affected area and let it stay for 24 hours but of course that would be difficult because we have other things to do so remove the strip on the middle, place on a water jug like it's a tea, drink and refill. Also good for 24 hours then put a new strip the next day. Do this continuously and you'll see a drastic change. My friend is a living testimony to this as well as she does night shifts being a nurse herself and ACNE appears on her cheeks and neck and they're too many to count. Now she's doing fine. She taught me this and my pimples are now gone too. Please search Winalite US so you could buy there. It's available in 34 countries that's why it's a global product, nothing to be afraid of. It's my display picture because it made a fantastic change on my life. All the best! -MHY
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
27 Dec 10
A chemical peel in my country is so expensive and yes it works. It may lighten the appearance of scars but it won't totally erase it. Microdermabrasion is good too and i'm not sure if it is similar to chemical peel. My brother-in-law went to a dermatologist for chemical peeling since he got scars from acne too and well it worked well after two sessions, but he never came back after that. Then we discovered something that i recommended my brother in law to use and it worked better than the chemical peeling. However, I don't think that this product is available to your country since it is locally produced in ours.
• United States
27 Dec 10
I see I am the first to actually answer your question. I am an esthetician and as I was reading your discussion I was going to suggest that you get a chemical peel for the scars and then I read that you are already getting one. I am 21 years old and I absolutely love getting chemical peels. I'm not sure how strong yours will be but the stronger it is the more effective it will be in taking away the scars. I would advise you to listen very closely and follow any instructions that the esthetician or dermatologist gives you. I don't know if you are having a dermatologist do it or an esthetician, but the most important thing is to take care of your skin after the peel. Try your best not to touch your face and keep it clean and do not pick at it because that will make the scars worse. Also, be gentle after your peel because what it does is it takes off a few layers so that the skin that grows back will be new skin which will be much more sensative. As long as you take care of your face afterwards it should help a lot. Oh and don't let the dermatologist or any esthetician tell you that the only good products are those that are extremely expensive and just so happen to be on their shelves. If you find a cheap product that helps your skin then keep using it. The professional products are great but everyone is different and if you find something that works, keep using it. If you would like some suggestions about products I can let you know what has worked for some of my clients.
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
27 Dec 10
Acne is a stubborn disease, whose treatment is usually long. Even if you use medical or cosmetic products, natural alternative should not be ignored. It will create fewer side effects on the body and is readily available. Here are 10 natural remedies you can try: Acne remedies based on essential oils:1. lavender oil; 2. Clove oil; 3. Tea tree oil Honey acne mask:4.a mask of honey and finely ground cinnamon. Mix until a paste is formed. Apply overnight. 5. polyfloral a mask of honey and mallow powder. This mask is for girls and spread over the face premenstrual. Natural Remedies easily prepared: 6. Marigold tea concentrate.Wash the face with hot tea. 7. Nettle tea in high concentration.It is used as calendula tea. 8. nettles, or calendula tea also consumed twice a day for several weeks to improve liver function 9. Chimney dabbing the affected area with goat's milk mixed with nutmeg,find them both at the supermarket.10. sulfur soap. Used daily instead of soap. You can find natural products stores.
• Pakistan
27 Dec 10
hey.. well dude i hade acne since i was in high school... and now im in university and its all clear.. thank God its clear now.. i tried all kinda worst ways to control it including the most bitter medicines..and the bitter leaves crushed in water etc...;s but it just dint work out that good.. but in short i then started taking safi..along with a medicine recomended known as countimycin.. cux its light and duz not have severe side afects.. and along with that i still use acne aid cream.. every night.. aplying it where i have scars or where a new pimple is emerging.. it really is afective.. try that. and dont wory.. cux this acne problem fades away with age. u r gna get the best:) take care best of luck
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
27 Dec 10
I hate acne it really is the worst I have lived with it for a very long time too and it just doesn't seem to go away it was worst before. My self-esteem has also been damaged and I am afraid that it will never be repaired unless I get clear skin. I hate how some people make fun of others when they don't even know what it's like to have acne because they have never experienced it. I hope that it all goes good for you and that you will get amazing results man why did acne have to be in life it's one of the worst things ever because it really makes one unsociable and it's really not our fault. I mean we all have feeling were all human beings and nobody should be picked on just for having acne. It's really tough for me because I am a girl and I am going to turn nineteen and I really feel like I have failed my dad because I am just not beautiful with this acne on my face I don't feel pretty like the other girls it has stopped me from dating and I guess that acne has also stopped me from ever getting married. When one has acne it's really hard to live and enjoy life how it should be.
• United States
27 Dec 10
I am sorry to hear :( I have acne too but since I was probably 16 til now 20 and my dermatologist has given me pills and they don't work. He's given me cream and they don't work so I went to go buy acne cleansing bar and it works! You can buy it at CVS for about ~$6 bucks? You can use it on your face or back works great for me!!