Sth about T-mac

December 27, 2010 6:49am CST
Recently , T macgrady seems have come back to his own;s track and he can get the satisfied scores if he really want to . caz I am a totally funs of him , I was so please to hear the good news . Apart form that , seeing from the redios of Piston ,I believed that he had had enough confident to restrain the stress of some bad argument about him. Do you think he can go back to the Peakedness ? or even better? I am fulled of expectation now , and hope he won;t diappoint me .
2 responses
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
27 Dec 10
T-mac is playing with his new team. he is an amazing and skillful basketball player. he belongs to the elite level of basketball. but his injuries have hampered his career from blossoming. now, he has to adjust again with his teammates. i believe he can still show some brilliance in the court, but it will be limited now. i wish him well and his new team.
28 Dec 10
Yeah, let;s pray for him
• China
3 Jan 11
well he is a gifted guy,if injuries had never taken place on him,i mean he couldve achieved awful lot than we had seen.So u guys never have to be astonished when he did sth good,cauz this is whin his ability.& hope that he could achieve as we expect to return as a king!