sin sin and sins again..

December 29, 2010 5:08am CST
hello all, i become christian just a few years ago. i have this words, that our sin have been cleansed by Jesus Christ. we can't do sin again because we are christian and we have the spirit inside us. however, i keep doing sins.. am i still christian then? is it okay for God's son to do sins again and again? i'm so confused.. though I tried not to do sin, i keep doing it.. and everyone just like have this sight, "hei, you are christian, you are God's son, how can you always do sins like that?".. i really appreciate if you want to share with me.. :)
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4 responses
29 Dec 10
Even as a christian we are still bound to commit sin.Jesus does not hate the sinner but the sin committed.As we try everyday to live a worthy life,there are times we will still default due to our human nature and fail to sin,but when we fail we have to reconcile with the master by asking for forgiveness. Every living person sin,d only difference is that some come back to say i am sorry,while others live in perpetual sin.Even the pope sin sometimes because he is a man.
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• China
30 Dec 10
As St. Paul said, for I know that in me (that is , in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. And Jesus knew we can't prevent ourselvies from doing sin. We can be forgiven by Jasus.
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• Indonesia
31 Dec 10
that's right.. sometimes i felt guilty after doing sin and then i hardly come to Lord.. i should have come to Lord asking for forgiveness..
• United States
31 Dec 10
We are born into a sinful world. The wonderful advantage of believing in God is knowing that once you accept Jesus into your heart and do Romans 10:9 that when we sin we can ask to be forgiven. The Bible states he is a forgiving God. It is impossible to be "sin-free" as we are human and that is our nature. We just need to choose to believe in God and learn from our mistakes and grow into a better person.
@AmbiePam (87819)
• United States
30 Dec 10
We are never going to be perfect. We will always sin. But as born again Christians, we know we can learn from our mistakes, learn from our sins, and rest in the knowledge that when we confess our sins to God, He will forgive us. And He always will.
• South Africa
31 Dec 10
Alas.....nobody recognizes i am Perfect , unblemished , Perfection
• India
2 Jan 11
If we do not act the way we should we commit a sin. If Jesus abides in us as Holy Spirit, then his presence prevents us from committing a sin. Being Christian alone does not ensure this. One ought to be a Christian not merely in name but in spirit as well. For doing so one has to truly adore and worship him; believe that he is Son of God, and that he alone is the way.
• South Africa
31 Dec 10
Sorry ...but the only person who can wash a way sins is yourself .....just because a book says you are saved does not mean you have to be saved ....but from what ......supposing poor me , born in some place no tv , no bible , nothing ....and i die ....what happens then .....i don;t know about jesus and have not accepted him so how could i be saved, i hope you understand my point