Accomplisments for 2010

December 30, 2010 6:11am CST
Hello fellow MyLotters! 2010 has been a great and successful year for me. In the early months, I encountered so many difficulties but all I did was to remain positive and hopeful. This year, I found myself a job, never failed in any of my subjects at school, I had started a business, my relationship with my girlfriend was a success, money wasn't that big problem for this year, and ofcourse in this year I discovered MyLot! I really felt God's presence all throughout this year. And I aim for more success this coming 2011! How about you guys? How has been 2010 to you? Have you accomplished many life-changing things? I would be glad to hear your story. Thank you and Happy MyLotting everyone! Happy New Year!
2 responses
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
5 Apr 11
Wow! I want to congratulate you with your success, my friend. For me all the things that I want in this year but seems to be hard to attain them all... I want to earn a thousand dollar this year but I hardly get the best site to make money...
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
30 Dec 10
2010 has been a much better year than the previous two for me I think. Now granted 2008 and 2009 have been two of the worst years from a financial standpoint and in many cases a personal standpoint. However, things are turning around just a little bit, so I think that it could be a sign of things to come. However, who really knows. Still I have to remain hopeful and successful because that is the only way to remain sane in this day and age.