Forgetting what you wanted to write

United States
January 2, 2011 6:10pm CST
I have thought about what to write on many occasions and I would have some very good ideas in my mind. But, then when I was ready to write these ideas down, I forgot what they were. I can see now why people say to write down your thoughts as they come and don't wait until later. Has anyone ever had this same problem? Does anyone have any techniques that they use when writing?
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11 responses
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
I forget what I want to write most of the time. That's one reason why I want to have an Ipad. But I guess all I need is just pen and a notebook. ^_^
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• United States
3 Jan 11
I hope you don't think I am old or something but with all these new gadgets out there, I don't know what half of them are. What is a ipad? I am sure it is somekind of electric gadget, but what can you do with it?
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• Canada
3 Jan 11
Get a little notebook and pen and carry it with you EVERYWHERE, because you never know when inspiration will strike. Keep it beside your bed in case you wake up with an idea in the middle of the night, or if a dream inspires you. Good luck!
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• United States
3 Jan 11
That sounds like a great idea to keep a little notebook and pen with me at all times. I know that at night is when I do think of alot of this stuff to write, so I will have to keep a pen/paper near my bed for now on:) Hope you have a good night:)
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• Singapore
3 Jan 11
I forget what to write sometimes. It's just amazing how I could forget things I remember just a few moments before. Am I getting old? But anyway, I try to write down my thought on my mobile. If I have the time to write it straightaway, I would. If not, it will be saved as a title or with some pointers to remind myself what I intended to write. Now, you can do anything on the go. I dislike pen and paper, because I tend to have too many around and I can't remember where I wrote a particular thought. Is it in this notebook? Is it in that one? Haha!
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
3 Jan 11
Hi Icollier, you have not experienced the worst of all. Some writers get inspiration when they are driving. it is impossible to stop the car on the highway just to get paper out and write down the idea. Most people, including me, get the best ideas when about to drift into sleep. I am too lazy to get up and write down the ideas.
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• United States
3 Jan 11
I do this all the time, I need to take some of the advice you received on this post.
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• Philippines
3 Jan 11
i have experienced that many times already. i totally agree with you that you should right away what you have thought of something because there is a big tendency that you might lost everything that you have thought on your mind. i have a lot of these ideas that popping into my head but once im going to write it, it was all gone!!
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• United States
3 Jan 11
I have this same trouble. I think of something great and then when I finally get time to write it it's totally gone. however, I spent a few dollars on a digital recorder. Now when I thnk of something I can record it quickly so that it is captured. This works real well since a lot of my ideas come while I am on my morning run. I have heard of songwriters who get a catchy line and call home to leave it on their voice mail so they won't forget it!
@Rite17 (773)
• United Kingdom
3 Jan 11
I always use my mobile for my thoughts... keeping them as emails are a major must for me! as my Blogspot blogs I can email my blog posts and have them post straight away!! So it is always great to be able to blog pon the move... and never miss a thought!! Happy MyLotting xx
@warvial (1146)
• Singapore
3 Jan 11
Me! I am one of those having this problem. Sometimes on the bus or out for meals and just anywhere else, something happens and it trigger my thought on discussion topics. But when I get home, all ready to type it out, I forgot what I was thinking about or lost the enthusiasm in writing. How I wish I could have a laptop that I can just type it on the spot because to start a vague discussion topic is worse than not having a topic.
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
I often forget what I wanted to write while writing. I would start a topic and eventually lose the original topic simply because the scope becomes wider and wider. My ideas would cloud up my head and I would end up finishing nothing. I would come up with 5 or more ideas out of the topic I have started. I would then have quiet times and have them written freely. So I would come up with a poem or just anything. I think one thing you must do is write every thing that comes in your in mind and come up with the major topic you want to write about. If you can manage to integrate each of the ideas, the better. Good Luck!
• Chennai, India
14 Aug 13
I had this problem and i rectified this issue so easily. Whenever i feel like having any ideas to write i will record all of it in my telephone recorder. Then i will play them back at a later time to recall everything. This is the recorder i use to store all my ideas
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