Students- How do you de-stress?

January 10, 2011 11:43am CST
I'm wondering how many of us are currently students? I am guessing a lot of us are or have been in recent years. Most of the time I find school easy, the homework easy and it seems to be easy for me to focus. But sometimes I feel so stressed out and just want to quit. I am doing very well with my course and have received all A's so far. I don't know what is making me stressed out, maybe the length of the course, maybe because I am taking it from home, or who knows. What are some ways that you can think of for me to de-stress when I am stressed about school?
8 responses
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Jan 11
Maybe it's the fact that you're taking the courses from home that you feel the need to make straight A's, is the reason you are so stressed out. If this is the case, then if possible, do not expect too much. If you can live with not getting an A for a particular course, then maybe that'll be the key to 'de-stress' yourself.
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• Canada
10 Jan 11
Sounds good. I think that has something to do with it. I am always unsure if I am doing things correctly because I don't have the 1 on 1 with the teacher or have any other students to study with or ask questions. I know that I am a smart cookie and prove have proved it to myself. I think some of it could also be that I am so pressured to do well in my "family" I have 3 teachers in my family, and all my cousins are straight A students. I know that is part of the reason. I also did very poorly in high school and I want to prove to everyone that I am not who I used to be. My sister recently dropped out of her 5th year of University. That day was a great day I felt like a better person then her ( school wise) This is only my second year of college but since Adult school I haven't quit. So I felt like a winner that day!
• Canada
10 Jan 11
Yes very high standards indeed! But life goes on, I am who I am and if I fail to them that's fine! Screw them if they don't like me right? lol PS: Just received a mark 100% on an assignment! Yay!
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Jan 11
It must be tough with all those teachers in the family around. You've got such high standards that you have to live up to. But, it sounds like 'so far, so good'. Goodluck!
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@eLsMarie (4345)
• Philippines
11 Jan 11
I am a student. Whenever I feel like I'm stressed out, I stress myself more. I know it sounds weird but it's something I like doing. I wanted to make myself busy all of the time. It's like I don't like sleeping anymore. I don't want to consider myself a workaholic. It's just that I'm so in love with my course that's why I'm so much willing to be stressed out. I'm sorry if I haven't answered your question but I think listening to music and finding sometime to relax is a great way to de-stressed yourself.
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• Canada
11 Jan 11
I like to keep busy as well but I don't think as much as you do. I do like my time to sit back and relax or what I call me time. Where I could do anything I wanted. There are some things that make me stress and I can't help it, but most things I can get away from then worry about later.
@eLsMarie (4345)
• Philippines
12 Jan 11
Problems do give me much stress and the best way to make it vanish is to face it. I love to challenge myself that's why most of the time, I resolve problems even the problems of others. But I don't do it without their consent. It's just that they're asking for my advice and it's up to them if they're going to follow it or not.
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@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
10 Jan 11
i am currently a graduate student. yes, at times being a student is stressing. deadlines particularly come to my nerves most of the time. they are always coming and they seem to be endless. then, relationships with a partner, family, and friends have to be balanced with the amount of time spent on studies. i know i am primarily a student now, but i want a life more than studies. that's why i spend a substantial time with my loved ones. that's how i de-stress myself.
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• Canada
10 Jan 11
I have having a big amount of troubles with my deadlines. I am currently enrolled in a distance education course where I only go to the school to write exams. This course is supposed to be at your own pace. Well they only let you take 1-2 classes at a time, which is fine with me. But what drives me up the wall is some teachers have deadlines, and some don't. Example: every two weeks i have to hand something in to teacher A she has a week to mark and send back. which means I have to wait before handing things in, which takes a longer time to finish the course. She wont mark things until her date that she had set. Leaving me finished for two months before I can move on and start the next course. Teacher B says hand in what you are finished when you are finished- meaning that if you finished the whole course in a month that is fine. And she marks fairly fast and that means I can move on faster. I had to write a pretty nasty yet professional letter to the head of the school and a bunch of departments about this complaining that it was supposed to be at my pace not the teachers pace. Also about teacher A not handing back assignments when they are supposed to be back, having a 4 day delay. I have still not received any type of response from the school, but only from the teacher asking if I had contacted the school. I responded and said yes I did because I am concerned and that she cant give me only 3 days to make corrections, and proceed onto the next assignment. I wanted marks from the previous one to make sure I knew what I was doing before handing in a new assignment making the same mistakes as the last one. I try to spend as much time as I can with my boyfriend and his family. Sadly all of my family is 8 hours away so I only get to chat every now and then with them. :(
@dodo19 (47314)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
11 Jan 11
I am currently an undergraduate student, and school can be very stressful. But there are still ways for you to not be so stressed about your classes. Maybe make sure that you have time to relax, time for yourself.
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• Canada
11 Jan 11
I do think I need some more me time. I think the me time is easier found in the spring/ summer/ fall months. I really like to be outdoors and I can't stand the winter. I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada and it is Dang cold here. As much as I love nature I love to feel warm and cozy.
@a98231 (238)
• India
10 Jan 11
To get de-stress do the things that you love the most.Well to get de-stressed i listen to songs which really pumps my energy up.Some also take nap to de-stress themselves. Well it really depends on what type of a person you really are but i think you can watch your favorite shows on TV,chat with your friend or come to MYLOT it one of the best and effective stress buster for me.When i feel tired and bored i come here.
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• Canada
10 Jan 11
I love mylot for that reason. I can rant and rave about things and get stuff off my chest without my friends and family reading my postings. Its very soothing! and Drama free!
@lazette (216)
• Philippines
11 Jan 11
The best way for me to de-stress from school is to just grab this big pack of popcorn (or Lay's potato chips, yum), grab my favorite DVD of a movie, lock my room up and get as comfy as possible on my bed/chair and watch the DVD. Basically, my main de-stressing task is to laze around all day. Or you could go to the mall. That helps too.
1 person likes this
• Canada
11 Jan 11
That sounds like such a great idea. *wishes I could do that now*
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
11 Jan 11
i'm no longer a student but i was once a student who cant wait to graduate 'cause im so sick of schooling. i spent 7 years in college 'cause i change course. what i do is go out every weekend and do whatever i want to do. i go to places i can sit and relax. i normally do this alone. sometimes i do night life, i drink, laugh and get wasted until dawn. sometimes i prefer to just stay in my room.. surf online, listen to the music, clean my cabinet, change my dektop wallpaper 20 times, chat online.. whatever to divert my head from school deadlines and assisgnments.
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@r4v3n_ (178)
• United States
15 Jan 11
Students today remove their stress in surfing the internet. Some boys spend their time in playing computer games just to de-stress.