
January 10, 2011 10:55pm CST
Twilight isn't everyone's piece of cake. But the movie stayed true to the books,even adding in things that the author couldn't manage to. The actors portray the characters amazingly, which brings you right into the movie. There are one or two parts of the movie where the actors were not earnest to their character. But all in all, Twilight is a movie that may be weird, but upholds the fans expectations and delivers great intensity.
3 responses
• Philippines
4 May 11
Well, you are right, not everyone likes it, especially the boys (in my own opinion), they hate it. I watched it with my husband and he just felt asleep, but when i watched it again with a friend (girl), we both liked it and we both agreed that Edward is very handsome :) So i think it's a girl thing :)
• Philippines
5 May 11
Better to watch it with the girls, that would be most appreciated.
@cherza (32)
• United States
29 Jun 11
Most women like the movie " Twilight". I agree, Edward and Jacob are very handsome to watch. The movie is a great love story also. I like action movies, this is a great action movie that men and women will enjoy.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
20 Jan 11
Did you like it, personally? I read the first Twilight book many many years ago and only recently watched 2 of hte Twilight movies. I thought they were a little boring to be honest, but I also thought the same of the books too. Definitely not my piece of cake.
• Philippines
21 Jan 11
I am, I like it. I like what is written in the books, not really in the characters in the movie. In the movie, it is boring for me. In the book, it's good and keep me up til night just to read it. It's not everyone piece of cake.
@cherza (32)
• United States
29 Jun 11
I really enjoyed the movie "Twilight" also. I think it's a great love story and action movie. The movie is as good as the book. I'm a huge fan of both. I can't wait to see the next "Twilight" movie. I'm not a big fan of vampire movies, but I enjoy watching the Twilight Saga and New Moon.