Are Online Schools Looked At As A Joke?

United States
January 11, 2011 7:44pm CST
I've been attending the University of Phoenix for a few months and I'm very proud of the way they handle their program. I'm a huge procrastonator so I would always miss the deadlines for signing up for on-campus schools and when I heard about this program I got hooked and have been doing very well academically. However, I'm nervous about later down the road when I'm trying to apply for an internship or a job. I know this is a legitimate school but do companies look at graduates from on-campus schools as better canidates?
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3 responses
• United States
12 Jan 11
I am so currently attending Everest University Online, and this semister I just completed my Associates Degree and I am really excited. I had the problem as you when I was attending MDC Campus. My problem was that I couldn't get to school on time, I was always late and it became impossible with my husband and children. There was actually a point in my life that I thought I would have never finished school. So then I looked into online courses and decided to enroll with my hubby in online courses. Let me tell you I am doing great academically, I thought I was going to have problems, especially with the math courses, but I am surprised my grades are impressive. I don't see why employers/companies wouldn't think that degrees obtained from online courses wouldn't be legit. Most of the people now a days are obtaining their degrees this way, it has become very popular and we spend a lot of time working on school work, just like others who attend the classes on campus.
• United States
12 Jan 11
Yes my grades are also impressive since going online for school. I think it has to do with the fact that I have no distractions, just me reading and writing by myself. Since deciding to go online I finally feel like I can do all that I want to and still go to school because there is just so much flexibility in my schedule now. Like if I wanted to I could go to school 2 in the morning and it's normal, I LOVE IT!! Good luck with your future goals!
• United States
14 Jan 11
I agree, I think I also tend to concentrate better at home without distractions. I hated going to the campus, I felt uncomfortable in the classes, like if it wasn't my enviornment, maybe that was my problem. But now I can actually work on my school and read at my own time. That is the best.
@pogi253 (1586)
• Philippines
12 Jan 11
I would say there are many benefits of online schools. The benefits most likely vary depending on what type of person you are. Accreditation is an essential component of your online school education, it assures you that you are receiving a worth education and that your class credits and online school diploma will be accepted by other schools and employers. Take the time to research your online school. Finding out if your school is accredited by an excellence accrediting agency is just as significant as the online school classes you will take. Accreditation can be the difference between a high quality online school education and a total waste of time. Make sure you get the best education possible, prefer an accredited education from a school with the right credentials.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
12 Jan 11
For me not because many are schooling that way by the online process but it is in demand in the state .