How much fee you pay to school for your 1 kid's education?

@ssh123 (31073)
September 1, 2006 9:07pm CST
(From 4th standard to 7th standard) excluding the money spent on transport and other books, materials etc. (Please give answers in USD)
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7 responses
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
27 Oct 07
I think it was around one hundred dollars each, and that included fees, books, etc. I do not know what the photo fees were. At first they took the bus to school, but then we moved and then they walked. When they were in high school, the boys went to different high schools, and then we had to add the bus fare on to the cost. I never kept records, because my husband made the money and he paid the bills. But I figure between $1500 more or less in all for each, but I could be wrong. Actually I have no idea. I was just giving an estimate.
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
28 Oct 07
For the standard of living in US, this amount is quite reasonable I suppose. Of late in India particularly in recent years and more so in big cities, school education is prohibitively expensive. BOth parents have to work hard to earn the money of which major chunk goes for school fees, uniforms, shoes, lunch money, transport cost etc.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
27 Oct 07
Hello ssh. Well when my kid was at primary school, the education fee was very cheap. Every year my wife went with my son to the school to pay for the education fee at the beginning of the new school term. I just asked her how much she had paid for it. So far as I could remember, it was about fifty dollars. When he was in the junior high school, it was about 60 dollars for the education fee, still very cheap. Because my child was studying in public schools and it is always cheap in a public school. Now as he is in his first year in the senior high school, his education fee is much higher. It is about 260 dollars a year. The fee I mentioned here is only education fee excluding other fees. So how about a senior high school student's education in your city, please, ssh?
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
28 Oct 07
Here too in public schools the fees is very minimum because of the subsidy paid by the government. But it would cost around $10 per year in public school for a senior high school, excluding books and uniform. In private school, it ranges from (there are medium type, high profile private school, very posh private school) $300 to $600 per annum. Do you know they take the fees for 12 months though school runs only for 10 months. The teachers are paid throughout the year and probably they collect the fees for all the 12 months. This is the story in city. In moffusil areas and villages,it is very cheap even today.
@swolecat (1277)
• United States
2 Sep 06
I pay 777.45 USD for my kids Its ok
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
24 Jan 07
Your response has been given BR
• India
26 Jan 07
we have pay 2500/- ($55) in every three months excluding transportation .
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
26 Jan 07
Do you know there are kindgergarten schools in Bangalore where at the time of admission parents have to pay 80,000 (apporox. $2000 and monthly they have to pay Rs.3000/-. The amount you have mentioned is almost the same at Bangalore.
13 Oct 07
I am a student so it is not a very important question for me but I have planned to bring up my child within more 100000 hope it can afford that
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
27 Oct 07
That is nice to hear but for general knowledge you should be aware of the expenses people going to incur for education of their children.
@nadezna (203)
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
i payed 300$ for her tuition for the whole year, 40$ for her books, 20$ for her uniformes, 50$ for the school supplies, 12$ for her trasportation per month..and misc. i dont even calculate it now..
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
13 Oct 07
The Schools run by government costs 75% less than what the private schools charge. Education has become commercialised and it is run like a business enterprise, always maximizing the profits.
@rladiga00 (1165)
• India
2 Sep 06
Last year my son studied 7th standard and I had paid $12 per ;month towards school fee (monthly) and another $12 for school vehicle and $5 towards this book or the other book.
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