Child with a third eye

January 12, 2011 12:05pm CST
You are relaxing at home, watching tv with your kids. You are enjoying the show as a family. Then suddenly, one of your kids calls your attention, points his finger at one corner of your house and says "mom (or dad), there's a man there standing and looking at us. Who is he? How did he get inside?". What will you do and what will you tell your child?
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6 responses
• United States
12 Jan 11
Your title threw me..I'm picturing some little kid with three eyes, lol! Interesting question and I'm sure it's happened somewhere. I would ask what he looks like and to describe him. Does he look familiar? What is he wearing? Then, depending on circumstances, I probably would tell them it's someone who is just passing through, and they won't hurt you so have no fear. If my kids were really scared, like terrified or something to that effect, I would kindly ask the apparition to leave because he is scaring my kids. I've lived with ghosts and never has any one of them hurt me or my kids. I feel they are just people like we were once, and had a Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, house, job, car, etc., if you really think about it.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
12 Jan 11
Gotta agree with you on this one Kash!
• Philippines
13 Jan 11
I like your reply. Thats the way to live with them. What scare us are only the horror movies that we are watching.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Jan 11
Zoey...well Thank you kindly. Admiral...and Thank you kindly. It is the way to live with them, and to think of them in the sense that they were just like us. And yes, love those spooky stories and movies, so much fun scaring the beejeebies out of us!
• United States
21 Jan 11
That would be creepy for me. I don't know how I would handle that really. I think I would end up calling a priest if it kept up. I don't want any problems in my house to the point where I or my family did not feel safe.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
21 Jan 11
Well, I am pretty confident that I would be freaked out by that but I would try to remain as calm as possible for my child's sake. But inside that would really shake me up. I mean my first reaction would be to think that someone had broken into the house, then when I realized that no one was physically there then that would worry me. I don't know if I should have my child ignore it or communicate with it. This is a pretty good discussion. It's getting people thinking, that's for sure. Have a nice day and happy myLotting!!!
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
1 Mar 11
Hi. admiral_ace. I will tell my child, to stop making up this story. I will also tell them to hush, because I am scared. My kids are known to do things like this. They will be in a room and they will come out and say that they have seen a ghost. Which I wonder if they really have seen one. It is a mystery and it is very scary to view too.
@kelly10 (678)
16 Jan 11
I've actually done something very similar myself. When I went to view the house that me and my family were moving into I commented to my mum about a man upstairs but there was no one upstairs. Luckily this wasn't my first experience of ghosts and the supernatural so I was very calm and accepting as was my mum. On moving in to the house Fred, as I just knew he was called, became a normal part of life. Sometimes I would say things like Fred has just walked into the room or I saw him on the landing and whenever I told my mum she was always very calm and understanding about it as she too has experienced the supernatural. That's how I would be if the scenario happened to me. I would be calm and encourage the child to talk about it and explain to them about the supernatural. I've always been told that it is nothing to be scared of and to accept it. I remember someone many years ago telling me when you live in a house you are not the owner but rather a caretaker for the past residents that owned it and have not been able to move on from this world.
• Philippines
12 Jan 11
That's creepy! At first I don't know how would I react. Maybe I'll just scream! No no, I would relax and try to look if there's really a man there or I'll my child (if i have) not to look at it or its just his imagination running wild. If he still keeps telling that he's still there, I'll talk my child to ask why is that man standing there to know his purpose. Maybe he needs help. I can't help because I can't see him so I would just let my child talk to that stranger so that I would know the next move. But its creepy, I'll tell my child not to play joke on me because its not a good joke. :)
• Philippines
13 Jan 11
It is really creepy. Screaming will create scandal only. Its good to be alert and ask the purpose of the spirit. Ofcourse there is a reason for everything.