Do you know any truly good people?

good people around us - good people ready to help
@bounce58 (17387)
January 12, 2011 5:00pm CST
There is this old couple that live a few doors down my house which I really consider as truly good people. They’ve helped me a few times when I needed help babysitting, and they never seem to ask for anything in return. The old lady even brought me some soup one time when she heard I was sick. They always have gifts for the kid’s birthdays, even though we don’t know when their own birthdays are. People seem to gravitate to them when people in the neighborhood need a few favors, yet I’ve never seen them complain, or even say no. How about you? Do you know of any truly good people? Do you know a lot of them? The kind where you feel that helping others is a genuine endeavor for them. In what situations have they helped you? Don’t you wish you knew a lot more?
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15 responses
• United States
13 Jan 11
I know you. I bet you don't remember but last year when I said I would love a teddy bear as a gift instead of flowers , you sent me a teddy bear picture! I have my guy, he is the kindest person I have ever known save my mom. And then I have two honorary brothers who are there whenever i need them. And then there is my dear friend who when my heart was broken helped me mend in such a way that I was ready when my guy found me. All these angels help me without thinking of any reward. Oops. Enough about the men How about the women. My mom was the kindest person I have ever known. She would help anyone she could. My sister is real kind and my boss is kind and helpful too. She is always willing to listen to me and compromise
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Jan 11
(smiling) I'm s glad. I think because my guy and I were friends first , I am not blinded by love. He has Always been a kind , selfless soul. I'm so lucky he chose me to love.
• United States
19 May 11
Thanks for the best response.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
14 Jan 11
You made me blush. I think that's the best scenario. When the best person you know turns out to be the person you are with. Of coure it has to be qualified, to make sure that you're not just blinded by your love, but you actually see it in everyday actions. Then truly you've found your bliss. Thanks Sarah.
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@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
12 Jan 11
This is a very nice of them. In my neighborhood, I have one but they never so much as ur neighbor. They would give my their fruits or veg or watch my kids are play outside when I'm watering my lawn. Sometime, they r getting old n have no children or their children r far so they need company. But even they r nice to u but u have to watch out too, just don't want anything wrong to happen
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
14 Jan 11
Yes, I will watch out. But I wouldn't think anything bad about my neighbors. I think it's out of their characters to be anything but. Still, I'm glad that they are there, instead of other people with horrible attitudes. Thanks.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
26 May 11
Honestly I was asking myself this earlier. I honestly don't know very many people who I consider 'genuine' (especially guys, lmao - no offense of course). I feel like a lot of people are dishonest, conniving, etc. I can't explain why I feel this way, but I do. I know a few good, genuine people, but certainly not enough.. Gah. The neighbors sound super nice.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
27 May 11
I know what you mean! About some people who are dishonest, and conniving, and would just talk about you behind your back. I'm at a new job now, and the people here in the office seem to be just like that! Makes me wonder what they say when I leave the room. Thanks.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
12 Jan 11
Yes, I have been blessed in my life to know many amazing and wonderful people. These people, some of them not even half of my age, have helped me do everything from pay the rent, getting food, providing gifts for my children at Christmas when I only had enough money for rent, transportation, car repairs... countless measures of the type of people that the world most definitely needs more of. When one of these people informed me that he had lost his sister, nephew, and niece to the flooding in Queensland, it broke my heart and I began to cry; I haven't felt quite on top of things since he told me of this news.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
14 Jan 11
No, you assume that I remain surrounded by those people.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
14 Jan 11
Hello zoey7879. Even though you're a bit bummed out with this news you're dealing with, I would still consider you lucky to be surrounded by such amazing people ready to help you with anything. Thanks.
• United States
12 Jan 11
The only people that I can think of truly is my boyfriends mother. Although she lives in another state I have to caution myself when it comes to wishing and or needing anything, as this woman would take the shirt off her back for me. I truly feel bad anytime she out of the goodness of her heart does things for me as she is not financially stable herself. I had a situation where as I had to get some things out of my house before I lost it, and this woman jumped in her van and tied one of those hauler trailers to pick up my things to store in safe keeping by her. These are direct personal items, like memorabilia of my kids. Funny how no family and or friend even offered to help, let alone call to see how things went. She is 70 years old and the thought that she drove 13 hours to get my things alone saddens me but makes me love her even more. Funny with her though she can be a bit racist with her words, as she is Caucasian and I am Puerto Rican. What is funny is that everyone and anyone who knows her says she loves me more then her own kids. So my heart to this lovely woman who goes out her way to help me. She also does a great deal in her community when it comes to the sick and elders as well. God Bless this woman.
@piya84 (2581)
• India
13 Jan 11
Most of the time i get to hear nasty stuff when subject of mother of law comes up.This is so good to hear you MIL loves you more than her own boy.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
14 Jan 11
Funny how your screaming avatar does not show that you are Puerto Rican. But it does explain your username. Like you, I'm not caucasian, so I've always had a chip on my shoulder, and have had to work harder than most people I know. Anyway, back to your bf's mom. I just couldn't believe that a 70 year old would drive 13 hours out of the goodness of your heart! You've got someone really special there. Thanks.
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
17 Jun 11
Sometimes search makes sense. Even if this search can bring exhaustion. Often we find salvation when we lost hope. What searches can be closer than we thought. And things simpler than we dreamed. Me simple things scare me. UMI me like complicated solutions. So if you are single often complicate it. Sometimes life can be happy. And good people. Good, pure and simple. That surprises me sometimes. When you meet people. The beautiful soul. I feel like shouting: I found a man! I met a man! There are good people!
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
24 Jun 11
Hello didi13. I guess when you do find someone, who you deem is truly good, it is worth shouting about. Thanks for dropping by.
@dawnald (85146)
• Shingle Springs, California
14 Jan 11
A lot of the volunteers at the rescue center are really good people.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
15 Jan 11
Hi dawn. I think you're right. The rescue center would be a logical place for 'truly' good people to gather around. Thanks.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
13 Jan 11
You should really cherish those good people next door. They are few and far between. I have known a few good people in my life, but not many that didn't want something in return for their help or favors.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
15 Jan 11
I guess that would be the qualifying criteria. If they want something in return at the end, then you couldn't really consider them selfless. And therefore not truly 'good'. Yes, I'm lucky to have known such neighbors.
• Philippines
13 Jan 11
Most old people are helpful in nature, especially the women. They wouldn't mind babysitting or watching the house for a couple of hours without pay. I think it's because they are limited when it comes to the things or activities they can do. Fewer activities like the ones I've mentioned can be too much for them already. We've had this helper. She's also old. She always came to our house to wash the laundry and clean the dishes, as well as run some errands for us. Of course, we paid her for it but she didn't ask. Her salary was really cheap and she had no trouble with it.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
15 Jan 11
When I worked and lived in Asia a long time ago, we had such helper. Although her salary was pre-agreed, it was still very cheap when compared to standards in north america. Still, I wouldn't really qualify them as 'truly' good. And I wouldn't dare abuse anyone for help without pay, either. Thanks.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
14 Feb 11
I only know really few... There's this one friend, we have been friends for almost 5 years.. and I have observed that she is truly a great friends- and really kind to everyone. Sometimes I even think she is too kind, and sometimes forget to think of herself. She's like a saint. And I really treasure our friendship.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
17 Feb 11
One of the ways to really discover a truly good person is just by observing. When nobody is looking, some people rise to the occasion. And therefore define themselves as 'truly good'. I think that you are lucky to have someone like your friend around. Thanks for the response.
• Philippines
13 Jan 11
I've met good people but I haven't seen the truly good one. The old couple you shared are truly good. Their level of goodness is very high. I think that's how God wants us to love. To always give more of what we have not only for those whom we love or who love us.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
15 Jan 11
Hello babyrose. I agree with you that there are a lot of good people everywhere. But the ones that are really selfless are hard to find. Thanks for the response, and welcome to myLot!
13 Jan 11
The one truly good person I know is my mom. My opinion may be biased, but I know my mom, and it seems like everything she does is for the good of everyone around her. She is kind, to the point of being selfless, and not just toward her children or her family, but to everyone. For me, she really has a gold. It seems like her happiness is based upon the happiness of everyone around her, and it is touching. Sometimes she's even too good and kind for her own good, but I am very proud of her.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
15 Jan 11
Hello ceasarette. I'm sure that your mom is also very proud of you that you consider her a truly good person. I think all parents strive for the same thing for their children. Thanks.
• India
13 Jan 11
peoples are living in earth and breath air
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
15 Jan 11
Hello suresh71. First off, welcome to myLot. I hope you will take time to read the guidelines, so as to help you make better responses. And make your myLot experience profitable. And thank you, for dropping by.
• Sweden
13 Jan 11
Martin luther king and Gandhi lol. Healers are good people i try to stick to healers. If one judge people by their fruit one finds good people without so much effeort.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
15 Jan 11
Hello HealerMike. I'd agree that healers could be considered good people. But except for doctors, I don't think there are many healers around. Thanks.
• Canada
12 Jan 11
I'd have to say that the only "truly" good person I know would be my mom. She's an amazing woman that sings like an angel in the choir and quartet group. She would never hurt anybody intentionally, nor does she have any secret agendas (that I know of lol) or skeletons in her closet.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
14 Jan 11
Not only moms, I would wish that my kids would view me the same way. I think there'll be nothing more rewarding for parents to be thought of as 'good people' by their kids. Your mom should be proud! Thanks.