My Amnesia Girl

January 17, 2011 3:45am CST
Want the ultimate in utter sweetness? Watch My Amnesia Girl I watched it yesterday with my girlfriend, and I had my eyes rolling every 5 minutes from the mushiness of the love story. It's a Filipino Movie starring John Lloyd Cruz and Toni Gonzaga, both actors are really good in this type of genre and can easily evoke shrieks from both male and female teen crowd. The story's about a guy named Apollo (John Lloyd Cruz, a salesman) who found love in Irene (a photographer, Toni Gonzaga) when he accidentally met her in a speed dating bar/ club. Now Irene was part of the event coordinators/ organizers so technically she was off limits from those wishing to hit on someone. Apollo still went for it and approached her with the line "Do you believe in first love?" which Irene replied to with "No" Apollo then left her side, only to reappear again behind her and said "What about second sight?" This cracked her emotional shield and they started exchanging corny pick up lines, the ones you use in SMS Messages. They were hilarious. I don't wanna spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it yet, so i'll skip some details. Sorry for the minor spoilers. Over the course of the movie, their relationship grew from friendship to steadily dating until one day Apollo asked Irene to marry him. Irene excitedly said yes. On the day of their marriage, Apollo suddenly got cold feet and left her on the altar. Irene, being an orphan, was naturally devastated. Fast forward to a year(?) later and their paths cross again. When Apollo comes up to Irene, she gives no hint that she knows him. She claims to have amnesia. This is the beginning of Apollo's plan to win her back again by giving her fresh memories of him. He chases after her and his misadventures where hilarious. You should go watch the rest of the movie. It'll make you laugh. It'll make you smile. It'll make you cry and it'll make you fall in love all over again. Tip to those currently in a relationship: When you feel that he/she is the one, never let go, never let fear win, if you are meant to be together then you should both fight to stay together. "Love the one you're with and be with the one you love"
3 responses
• Philippines
13 Feb 11
To be honest, I wasn't expecting Toni and John Lloyd to have such chemistry but after I've seen the movie, there was nothing I could say. MY AMNESIA GIRL IS THE ULTIMATE DATE MOVIE! I just want to say I'm a loser for missing it. I've watched it just weeks ago and now I'm praying with all my might that they star again in another romantic comedy. They're so good together!
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@Vizarde (58)
• United States
18 Jan 11
yeah i watched it two days ago im alone though but i still enjoyed it. it so funny i couldnt stop laughing
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
16 Feb 11
I watched the trailer before and it was really cute and funny. It was really cheesy but in a god way- the chemistry of the lead actors was evident too... I hope it ended well, I am still planning to see this movie when i see a dvd.