myths about babies

January 22, 2011 2:57pm CST
What are the most common myths/superstitions that u know of in regards to a baby... for eg, if u touch a baby's head, they'd get crooked teeth... if u look at a baby thru a mirror, they get dracula teeth etc etc
2 responses
@Chriz24 (66)
• South Africa
18 Feb 11
my sister was at first a very paranoid mother. She believes if you touch your baby's feet too much they will develop a speech defect in later years. Dont know how true this is - personally i think its rediculous
@maxen07 (882)
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
Where I'm from there are are some superstitions about babies like when you make a baby face a mirror, he'll grow up vain and full of himself; if you're baby sleeps beside you at night and is lying on the bed higher than your head, you'll have a hard time controlling him when he's grown; on my baby's first bath, the bathtub had warm water with coins for monetary wealth and flower petals for social wealth(friends). He was dried on a tunic that I own so he would be obedient to me. At his baptismal reception, his baptismal shirt was hung by the doorway so that it would brush the people's heads who are coming into the house, that way he wouldn't grow up a timid boy.