Pulled a muscle on the neck and now I'm in pain!!!!

United States
January 24, 2011 12:25pm CST
A few days ago my friends and I went snowboarding and going at a high speed I lost control and fell on my shoulder hitting my head against the snow. Luckily the snow wasn't that hard and my head only hurt for a few minutes but the pulled muscle on my neck is driving me crazy for almost three days already!!! It even hurts to turn my head at night when I'm sleeping. It is really painful! Please give me ideas or suggestions on how to relieve the pain. I know that a pulled muscle takes a long time to heal but I need some method to at least relieve the pain (preferably, home remedies, not pills). Thanks in advance!
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1 response
• United States
24 Jan 11
Hello and welcome. You may try using heat to loosen up the muscle. I would also recommend stretching and rolling your neck. It may not be pleasant while you are doing it but it should offer some relief.
• United States
25 Jan 11
Sounds good although I have read on another website that it is better not to massage a pulled muscle. Instead, leave it alone or put a bandage on it. Well obviously I'm not gonna put a bandage on my neck so I guess applying heat would be the better option. Any more ideas?