Is your job a factor of becoming a millionaire?

January 31, 2011 10:46am CST
Hi dear mylotter, if your dream is to become a millionaire by 25. Can any job archive this, even with a lowly paid job, a blue-collar worker? or you have to be a lawyer, doctor, engineer, any other professional job to make it. I am student who is studying for A-level, but I haven choose my dream job yet. Who do you work as, what is your monthly salary and can your job make your rich?
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5 responses
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
4 Feb 11
I don't think this is possible since i'm already past 25. I really have never had no dream of becoming a millionaire..
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
3 Feb 11
It would be so cool if I was one of those lucky people!! I don't have a job right now though... I can just hope I would hit big one of these days...
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
31 Jan 11
Hi dear, As compared to my age and present salary, I don't think I could become a millionaire with few years or within 10 years even. In the past, I messed up with all my financial dealings and so much of burden come to me as a major question mark. Though I am not a highly salaried person, at least I could have be stable with me, if I do things in a planned manner. Hope you can be in your dream if you got a clear vision and make a right choice of carrier path. If you are good enough to study any discipline, choose the one where you get high level career prospectus with higher income and best positions. Best of luck and have a nice day. Thank-s
31 Jan 11
It is so hard to tell if you would be a millionaire even though you have a goal in life. Even if you finished a professional course I personally do not think this is a sure fire formula for success in life although it is a great help for us to achieve our financial dreams.
• Philippines
2 Feb 11
hmmm.. being a millionaire is in the state of mind.. there were certain rule you should know to become a millionaire and that was im doing today.. it is a universal law to apply on.. if you think you will be a millionaire i believe you can.. but if you just think without action im sorry that was only a dream.. there is a SECRET behind all this.. Try to watch THE SECRET and try to understand it.. or search John Calub in facebook and youtube he is my mentor in being Money Magnet and it works... Happy Lotting....