Getting induced at 37 weeks. Scared

United States
February 7, 2011 4:12pm CST
I am getting induced at 37 weeks. Will my baby be healthy. Has anyone given birth at 37 weeks? Can you give me some advice. I just want to make sure he will be ok.
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8 responses
• United States
7 Feb 11
Odds are just as good for your baby as they are for any other baby. I've had early babies and late babies each of them did just fine and that was 40 years ago, today medicine has come such a long way since then. If your baby wasn't of good weight, and size the doctor would not induce unless it was an emergency of some sort. As it is, you are nearly at term so there should be no worries. Scheduling births isn't a new concept, it's been going on for some time with no ill effects from the procedure, although genetics may be the determining factor on health regardless...after all, your child may have allergies which isn't going to be anyone's fault. Relax, enjoy your time, rest now while you can, 3 am feedings wait for no man or woman.
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@dfollin (24306)
• United States
7 Feb 11
I agree with you totally!
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
7 Feb 11
I think it is best to just let things happen without knowing too much really, I knew a lady years ago that asked for advice from other women about child birth and by the time they had finished she was petrified and when her time came it wasn't anything like she was told, i think it is all diiferent for everyone...just listen to your doctor about important things, Good lucj with your little baby, you will have a bundle of joy....
• United States
8 Feb 11
Thanks everyone for your positive comments. I am scared but excited. Atleast I get to see my baby a few weeks early.
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
9 Feb 11
A full term baby is born at 40 weeks pregnancy but from 37 weeks it is considered safe to have a birth. Your baby will not be premature if he is born at 37 weeks pregnancy. I have had natural labors in my home at 39 weeks and the next time around 40 weeks and 2 days. I imagine your baby son will be fine. The induction will start your labor off for you and maybe your labor will progress quite quickly. Good luck with the birth of your baby.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
12 Feb 11
Hi, Nowadays the medical expert is very advanced and I believe your gynae may know well what is the best for you. Of course,before going for the induce,i believe you have been checked throughly make sure you and your baby in good condition. Not to worry so much. Happy parenting...
@pastigger (612)
• United States
8 Feb 11
Any where from 36 to 40 weeks is considered a full term baby. My daughter was born at 29 weeks. She is three now and doing just fine. At 36 he should be just fine. Even at 29 weeks my daughter had few problems. She needed some help with breathing and the thing that kept her in the hospital until her due date was a feeding issue. But after she got it we were good to go. If you have any questions ask your doctor about them. They should be able to answer all your questions. It can be scary to have a baby early but since they are inducing you I am sure that they are sure that baby is ready to be out. Don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have even if you feel that they are strange or silly if it is something you are worrying about then you deserve an answer. The calmer you are the better things will go. Good luck and may you have a quicker labor and not too much pain. Enjoy your little boy.
8 Feb 11
Oh I was also induced but it was 36 weeks and it feels so painful than having a normal labor and gave birth successfully. Yours is overdue and it is a need because the baby might eat its own stool inside your tummy when your not into force labor. Well I tell you its alright for you and your baby and just get into the [ain labor and just think for your both welfare.
@dfollin (24306)
• United States
7 Feb 11
I was born at 31 weeks and that was in 1961.They did not have very much medical knowledge then and I was in an incubator for a month.And I turned out OK.Now,the doctors have more knowledge about pre mature babies. So,I would not panic.I can understand your concern and being scared.But,pray and hope for the best.Follow what the doctor says and please keep us posted.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
7 Feb 11
Is it your first one? It is very normal that the first one is late and the mom will get induced. I have heard it is very common and baby will be safely born. I think you shuold not be worried and relax. Good luck!