Do you ever just want to scream out loud?

United States
February 13, 2011 10:21am CST
When we were growing up my mother said if you feel like screaming just scream. All now I still don't know what that meant. But,I tell you there were many nights and days where I stood in the middle of the room and just screamed. It made me feel so much better as well. have you ever heard such a thing before?
3 responses
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
15 Feb 11
I can understand that can be a big relief. Some times, I do feel the same. Once in a while, I would scream when I feel so frustrated. An example of that is when my cat started scratching on the walls destroing the wall paper. That is so annoying. She would not stop unless I scream at her. That's the only way she gets the message !
@Tek_Man (25)
• Canada
13 Feb 11
I feel like screaming almost everytime i get frustrated. Which isn't very often. But when I do, I don't usually get the chance to scream because there are people around. Also, if i get hurt because I hit something, I always want to punch the object that I hit. As if it will understand what it did :p
@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
13 Feb 11
There are definitely times, when I feel that way. There are times, when I just feel like screaming. Unfortunately sometimes, I don't always get a chance.