teen mothers

United States
February 13, 2011 11:45pm CST
This is to give advice to teen moms and help them out as much as possible i am 15 and a single parent to my 3 month old osn. i think i cann be of help.
1 response
• United States
14 Feb 11
How nice of you to offer this service! Being a single parent is difficult at any age, I can't imagine being as young as you and having the responsibility of an infant... I hope you receive more replies to this posting and that much is learned by all.
• United States
14 Feb 11
Thanks and yes being a single parent at any age male or female can be very difficult. As long as you try and do what you can and except help anyone can do it.
• United States
14 Feb 11
Take it from this grandma, it gets harder, but worth it. Go to school, get some training or become a professional. Being a mom doesn't mean neglecting yourself.