meditation helps surely

@scuba1 (24)
February 17, 2011 10:12pm CST
this is my wondefull experience with meditation. i joined the "art of living" & started medtitaion six months ago. now i can surely say that it helps a lot to improve urself like anger impatience physically spirtually & mentally also . have u ever tried.if not . give some space to urself & try the wonderfull experience
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2 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
18 Feb 11
Meditation is something I have always wanted to do but I have such an active mind, I can't just concentrate as you ahve to do mind and a mind of its own.
@scuba1 (24)
• India
18 Feb 11
npe this is the problem . meditation is just let it go. what the views come in ur mind or strikes u let it go. be empty never resist any thing . keep going on .it will be more effective after some time surely
@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
18 Feb 11
I have found that meditation helps me. I have done some meditation, when I was stress, anxious, or something. It definitely helped me relax and just feel better. It's something that I enjoy doing.