Free Photos to use on Internet.

New Zealand
February 21, 2011 12:57pm CST
Hello, Does anybody know of a good site where I can easily download free photos and safely use them on discussion or Blog sites.I know I will have to deplay their website as the source of the photos that is to be expected. would be happy to pay for them if they are not too expensive. I have looked at a couple of sites but they the rules and regulations are so extensive I come out not really sure whether it is safe to use them or not. Any help would be apreciated.Thanks..
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2 responses
• United States
21 Feb 11 has tons of user submitted awesome stuff. Lots of people who focus just on creating backgrounds, stock art, etc. And for each item submitted, the artist specifies whether or not you can use it, but most of them just want credit if you use it. That's your best bet.
• New Zealand
21 Feb 11
Thankyou so much for that tip I shall check the website out could be just what I am looking for.
• United States
21 Feb 11
The one I use the most is Stock Exchange ( is their website address). They have free pictures and some that are for purchase but those are usually fairly cheap. Each artist puts their own "restrictions" on how their work can be used, usually they just want you to credit them, but it's always right there with the picture.
• New Zealand
21 Feb 11
Thankyou, I have not checked out stock Exchange.Sounds good will have a look today.