How are you doing Vs how your friends are doing now?

@chiyosan (30184)
February 22, 2011 12:49am CST
Have you sometimes wondered how your friends are currently doing? i mean of course we know our current status, and we of course know if we are where we see ourselves years back right? Actually i have never really wondered, as i was too busy minding my own life's troubles... etc.. Its just so that i have thought about this when a friend voluntarily updated me with all our friends back in college of how they were doing and it suddenly appeared to me that i was... well not as successful as them... Does this bother you? Should it bother me as much? Thanks in advance!!
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10 responses
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
22 Feb 11
It has bothered me a lot. That's why I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. I love that I can get updated with the lives of people from my past. I hate that I've beel left far behind by my peers. Sometimes, I let it bother me so much that I vow I'll not open my FB account again. Other times, I just accept things as they are and tell my self, "everything in it's own time", just like in the bible. But, I think I can say I relate to how you feel.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
22 Feb 11
HEHE i sort of understand that.. maybe that is the reason why i do not like facebook that much as well.. i hate posting and reading about other people's travel... i envy that they can spend as much in travels, and leisure and i barely have enough... =( oh well.. so that i won't sin.. i rarely check my facebook.. that way i do not know what people are up to! hehehe :D thank you for posting!
@jhaidro (877)
• Philippines
22 Feb 11
I had the thought of this before. And same as you, I am still where I was before and my friends are way up there. They are doing good with their lives. I have to admit that I am a bit envious but also happy for them. But I think that this should bother me that much. I don't think that this should pressure me in some ways. I have my own life direction and I know that soon I will get there. Maybe I was just having some time off but I will get in line anytime soon. I hope things go well for us.
@Aisarr (32)
• Maldives
22 Feb 11
I agree with your comment..
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
25 Jan 13
Thank you for your time to respond here in the discussion, Great to have you here, have a wonderful time and happy mylotting! God Bless... :D
• United States
24 Feb 11
I have often wondered. I wish them all the best and would hope that, should they ever need to find me for whatever reason, they wouldn't hesitate.-especially if they needed help. There are a couple of friends I would give my life for without hesitation. Of course, I remember them in my prayers, and if we don't see eachother again in this life, I certainly hope we do after.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
25 Jan 13
Its been a while since i came back to the discussion myself and sorry for this. Its great to see you in the discussion, though and Hope to see you around the site, happy mylotting. Godbless!
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
When there was no facebook, its like the hell with their lives lol i am living my own life too and i never really knew what happened to each of my friend, except for the very close ones which we often have communication. But with facebook, i have seen long lost high school friends and they sure are indeed very successful some are already nurses in the middle east, some are in the UK and some are engineers to doctors even..and where am i? a mother, a wife and a friend and i realized i am also lucky. i may not be as successful as they are in terms of career but i am already fulfilled because i have my priceless treasures in life and they are still searching for theirs. A bit of envy is there but then it is i who chose this path and i am happy with it, mine is simplier and laid back and i do know if they are happy with theirs and i hope they are. We do send emails from time to time and i am happy for them. and as with you, count your blessings and you will realize you are lucky also with what you have
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
25 Jan 13
Thank you for your time to respond here in the discussion, Great to have you here, have a wonderful time and happy mylotting! God Bless... :D
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
22 Feb 11
Yeah sometimes I wonder how my friends are doing especially the one that I haven't seen for ages. Just this morning, I talked to my friend and catch up a little bit, knowing she is well and we talked a lot of things that happened on uas in the recent years...
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
25 Jan 13
Its been a while since i came back to the discussion myself and sorry for this. Its great to see you in the discussion, though and Hope to see you around the site, happy mylotting. Godbless!
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
23 Feb 11
I should actually be doing better than most of my friends, if not for my debts i incurred with my credit cards. With that lesson learnt, i'm doing much worse than them now as they are earning the same amount of pay as me, but with shorter working hours, and more family time. I do envy for them that, but i don't regret how my life is now as i really learnt alot from that, and in the process, gain alot more friends.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
25 Jan 13
Thank you for your time to respond here in the discussion, Great to have you here, have a wonderful time and happy mylotting! God Bless... :D
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
22 Feb 11
Hi chiyosan. This has bothered me too. I get so consumed and lost in my life, I forget about others. And when I see their status, I notice that they have been living and enjoying life more better than I have. But what I fail to remember, is that these same people probably wished that they was living their life like I was. It is vice versa. We never seem to know what others go through until we are actually living their lives for our own selves. I had to tell myself this same comment every time, I began to even think that their life and situation was better than mines.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
25 Jan 13
My apologies for this late response, thank you for your time. See you around mylot and have a great day! Godbless you!
@jennyze (7029)
• Indonesia
22 Feb 11
Compared to most friends I am also nowhere as successful as them. It of course made me sad and think what did they do that were different from me? Then I thought back what I did, and when I found out that I did the right thing in most cases, whether it is the same or different that what my friends did, I felt better. It might be just that they are luckier than I or maybe it is not my time to hit the jackpot and become successful as them. Maybe God has other reason for me...
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
25 Jan 13
My apologies for this late response, thank you for your time. See you around mylot and have a great day! Godbless you!
@dadindine (230)
• Philippines
22 Feb 11
My friends have a life and I don't. LoL A lot of my friends have a family now, I mean they have at least a kid but not yet married, though. Some are busy with their careers and some are still pursuing studies on a higher degree both here and abroad. As for me, I've been a total useless since the day I graduated almost a year ago. Always in front of the computer, sleep, eat and stuff. Please don't judge me. Hahahaha! I'll go back to school by June maybe law school or a master's degree. I don't know yet. (:
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
25 Jan 13
I really appreciate having you here with me in the discussion. Thank you so much for your time, God bless and see you around and happy mylotting!
@staria (2780)
• Philippines
22 Feb 11
Yes! I was quite intimidated when I see old friends becoming real successful, like they have really nice cars to drive and bigger homes than me. Some are not even successful, but FAMOUS in their chosen fields! But either way, I cant feel that bad too, my life wasnt really as bad as it can be. And I think this maybe my chosen path and I have to live the best out of the life I have chosen w/ those I love.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
25 Jan 13
I really appreciate having you here with me in the discussion. Thank you so much for your time, God bless and see you around and happy mylotting!