my heart....

February 22, 2011 11:05am CST
my heart is like a puzzle, some will try to complete the pieces yet in the end will surrender, some will even attempt to bring it together yet again will leave it undone and somehow, someone along the way can complete the missing pieces but eventually will just ruin it and leave it there someone outthere that can put an end to all this and make the pieces together for good?
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3 responses
• Philippines
22 Feb 11
Maybe you haven't met yet the woman destined for you. You should not stop loving until you find that woman who will be your partner forever. Don't worry, it will come when it's time, just don't give up.
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
22 Feb 11
Someone will be there to love you, someone will always treasure your smile and happiness warm your heart ... Someone will always try to find words to thank you because your life filled with memories and dreams become reality.Someone will love and that someone will show up when you least expect it,and your heart will complete puzzler!
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
22 Feb 11
We can go through life searching for just one person to put our pieces together for us. I believe it takes many different kinds of people and relationships to put the pieces together and make them fit.