post partum depression when to go off meds?

February 24, 2011 7:43pm CST
Before our first child I did not experience any depression. All of a sudden about 2 days after our first sons was born; boom, there it was. I felt like I wasn't at all living in this world. My whole environment including my home and backyard felt totally different to me; like a cloud had made it's permanent home over my head. About a week into the depression I actually went to see my doctor and explained to him that this was not must baby blue's but actual depression. Luckily he is an amazing doc and he put me on Celexa which worked amazing. When our son was about 3 years old I was able to go off the meds and thought I was cured. When our second child was born 2 years later i was sure that I had this conquered. Because I had gone through this before I thought it wouldn't happen again. Sure enough it did. About 1 week later I was on meds again; this time Paxil. It worked great for awhile but after a bit I was exhausted on it. I then switched to Wellbutrin and it gave withdrawl symptoms like "brain zaps". After this I went on Cymbalta and am still on it. I thought by now I would be off since out second is now just over 3 but I tried this past summer and could not,I experienced too much anxiety. I was wondering if you had post partum depression, when you were able to go off meds?
1 response
• United States
25 Feb 11
Maybe your postpartum depression has turned into regular depression. Maybe you will need the meds for good. I'm not sure but I know it is very hard to conquer. My thoughts are with you.