What most trigger depression, a broken heart?

@katie0 (5203)
February 26, 2011 3:59am CST
Is it a work enviroment that a person might be being bullied, having a small salary, living in a different country away from one's family or is about romance? What's the most common reason for depression?
5 responses
• Bulgaria
26 Feb 11
A broken heart is most depresive , on second place I would put mising job and money
• Bulgaria
26 Feb 11
excuse me for my bad English
@maezee (41996)
• United States
26 Feb 11
Money problems as well as 'relationship problems' (or LONELINESS) in my case causes me to feel depressed sometimes. Luckily things are looking up in both departments for me. Also, another thing that depresses me sometimes is work drama AND the weather. LOL. All kinds of stuff, really..
@Galena (9110)
26 Feb 11
depression is an illness. it's caused by one of the major organs in the body having a physical malfunction. it doesn't produce the right chemicals, which causes an artificial feeling of extreme sadness. because the organ in question is the brain, people think it's all in the mind, or that it's caused by an attitude, but it's not. someone with depression can no more force their brain to produce the right chemicals than a diabetic can decide to start making insulin. but it's a physical condition where one of the symptoms is artificially producing an emotion. your life could be perfect, but if your brain doesn't produce the right chemicals, you will be miserable. the cause of this malfunction in the brain isn't known, but it does have a genetic link. if you have a family history of depression, you are likely to suffer from it yourself at some time. sadly, there is a lot of stigma surrounding the illness of depression, because people continue trying to spread the idea that it's a state of mind, and not a physical condition.
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
26 Feb 11
Depression is caused by "Helplessness". That is a very broad term. Let us take "Broken Heart" When anyone's heart is broken there is very little that one can do, except suffer the pangs. There needs to be a release and that is just not there! The story is the same whether it is love, career, pride and anything that is important part of life. It is better if we condition ourselves to failure while trying to succeed in what ever we do. It cannot be win-win all the time.
• Bulgaria
26 Feb 11
A broken heart is most depressive , on second place I would put missing job and money