How can I choose?

@mickly08 (769)
February 26, 2011 6:58am CST
I have a english exam next month, but I already worked, next week I have a lot of things to do. If I go to attend the exam, I need to ask for leave in advance. But it is not very good for work. I don't know how to do, should I give up the examination? Any suggestion is preferred.
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3 responses
@maezee (41996)
• United States
26 Feb 11
If you ask for the day off in advance, your bosses cant' hate you too much. It's hard to find a balance between work and school. Ultimately, school is more important - because once you get it taken care of, you can get a much better job - HOWEVER - the job you currently have pays your bills. Maybe try to do both?
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@mickly08 (769)
• China
27 Feb 11
It is hard for me to do both at a time. Maybe I should talk to my superior first, and make decision after that. Nothing is worse than that.ha
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@moondancer (7433)
• United States
26 Feb 11
You know you need to do both. Try to work it where you can do both. Talk to your professor first. Ask if you can possibly take your exam another day? Or do a make up exam? See what is said. Or ask your boss if you can have the time off for the exam and make up the extra hours at work. If the boss won't let you do this then tell your professor that your boss won't let you off for the exam. That you would probably lose your job and can you take it another time. I'm sure one of them will work with you. I would hope one of them would. It never hurts to ask.
@mickly08 (769)
• China
27 Feb 11
The exam can not be postponed,because it is a national exam for English majors. You have right to make decision whether you attend it or not.
• United States
27 Feb 11
If this is the case then it seems you just have one choice, that is to ask your boss for a day off to take the exam. In many places a company is not to enterfer with you trying to better yourself. It is also to their advantage in many cases to allow you to get your degree or take your exam. If this is not the case here then I have no answers for you, sorry.
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
14 Apr 11
(It's probably long-ago now, but) can/could you retake the English exam at a later date that works with your schedule?