I don't get iOS gaming

@kindas (44)
February 27, 2011 4:20am CST
I don't how some games on iOS Devices can be so popular. I mean seriously: Sure, iPhone Users like pickup and play games,but what the heck is fun about Angry Birds? A game that requires almost no skill at all, a game that's game system has been used for ages on other devices/the web, a game that doesn't really offer any "easter eggs" that are worth achieving. I deleted it after 10 levels, and i would call myself someone who likes casual gaming. Doodle Jump was at least addictive because of it's standout graphics ( i think it was one of the first doodle game), it's competitive gaming, and it at least required skill. So the sum it up: Why do you love/hate Angry Birds and if you love it, why? Just my two cents, it came to my mind because it had just been pushed to second place after a year or so.
3 responses
• United States
10 Mar 11
Hahaaaa! I don't know what Angry Birds is, but I love that you're so pissed off about it.
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@Doom6197 (13)
• South Africa
5 May 11
I enjoy iOS gaming. I get most of the gameloft games as they are of good quality such as Starfront and Modern Combat. Now some of the new games are using the Unreal engine for example Infinity Blade which looks stunning. I'm not such a big fan of angry birds, I guess its because I dont like those type of games.
• United States
27 Mar 11
I have no idea what so fun about angry bird. The games ive been playing on my iphone are like roleplaying games like final fantasy and this game called infinity blade which is fun but repetitive. There are not that many fun games on the iphone but I do like that bowling game where it uses shuffle puck instead of a bowling ball. Iphone was meant to be used for everything so I guess it cant all be good just because of the games. I have been playing call of duty zombies on iphone, the thing I like is that you can play with people over the internet everywhere you go that has an internet connection, but its kinda bad on the eyes if you play to much.