I'm gonna cook that GOOSE!

United States
February 28, 2011 12:51am CST
Ok guy's we have a problem at the homestead. We came up with rent and insurance and all the bills for this month but we get paid every other week so.... We are out of food and have to wait a week??? If it was just me and my girl it wouldn't be a big deal but I got a 4 year old kid here and we have been living pretty scavishly as it is with food. I'm thinking that the geese that continue to get in front of my car around town are starting to look pretty scrumptious. Those muggs are getting to close to being a stew, and they take their time. A bunch of a-s-s holes those geese are! they are gonna get it i tell ya! So the question is, what do think the trouble I would get into if just took one of those geese for a ride in my trunk for a minute. lol
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