Wealth and Success

February 28, 2011 4:00am CST
some people believe that only material wealth is a sign of success while others hold that wealth alone cannot be the very measure of success.In today's society, how relevant is wealth with success?
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2 responses
@CmesaMTG (21)
• United States
24 Mar 11
I think that in todays world unfortunatley success is measured in material items. Nothing shows that you have made it like having your name on skyscraper, or driving that Bentley. I hate to say it, but the modest millionare no longer exist now a days if you got a phat ride and big house along with jewlery that cost just as much as the jet that you flew in on, you are just not letting other know that you have made it. So the wealthier you are, the larger your home is and the wealthier you are the more successful you show to be.
• Malaysia
28 Feb 11
It just a philosophical life element practiced by human through seeing is believing, also be the proof of statement. The relevancy between wealth and success totally depends on both factors; definitions and meanings; respectively. Wealth defines as input larger than output, and success defines as solutions greater than problems. About the meaning of wealth, wealth is a life status reached life goals. Whereas, success is a progress status reached the planned development. SHORT SUMMARY: Success is a foundation to wealth.