
United States
March 1, 2011 9:25pm CST
I think misconceptions happen all the time when someone reads another's article. I could say something like well thats strange. And everybody reading thinking whats so strange about it??? huh? whats so strange about it?? But I could have been saying it kind of passively. like a fast huh thats strange. So the misconception brings emotions from others that were never intended in the first place. Another misconception is when sarcasm is used. Unless you know the individual you would never really know if it was sarcasm or not, so people take the latter and believe the expression is literal. EXAMPLE: Some one says something to you jokingly and you reply with "Your stupid". Well, "Your stupid" could be taken several ways. So, its up to the reader's discretion to depict whether they are being mean or sarcastic. Just a thought about writing for a minute. Have you ever noticed that problem amongst writing online.
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