Can not withdraw from Noabux!

@Marmot (590)
United States
March 5, 2011 1:33pm CST
I just reached the line to withdraw, and I found that I can't! When I open the withdraw window, I just can not fill the payment account. It always left blank! What's wrong with the system? Or it is just a scam!
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5 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
5 Mar 11
They upgraded their script 2 days ago so maybe there is a glitch. Have you seen if there is anything on the forum about your problem? Or have you tried cposting on the forum yourself. Noabux is NOT a scam and I will help if you need assistance contacting the admin.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
5 Mar 11
Look here: It is as I thought. There is a glitch due to the upgrade - but they ARE paying and it is NOT a scam site!
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@Marmot (590)
• United States
6 Mar 11
I see, but for me, I still can not get paid, the page showed me is just like the learn2earn says. It is "You will receive $NAN." Maybe I should wait some days.
@Marmot (590)
• United States
6 Mar 11
I have just reach the payout line the first time, and I haven't considered upgrade or rent yet. But I think Noabux is slower earning than Neobux and Onbux, it only gives less than $.004 per day. At least to me, now.
@zralte (4178)
• India
7 Mar 11
I haven't reach payout (need just 1 cent to get to payout), so I don't know about that. Though I have filled in my Paypal details on Setting - Personal, and it is saved. On another thing about Noabux that I like is that the admin is very helpful and answered my questions very quickly. Not only that, he understand the problem too. My account was suspended because of interconnected wifi with my neighbour who I referred. I explain the problem to the admin and he re-activated my account in a matter of hours. And well, to avoid problem like that, my neighbour is no longer doing it But it is better this way, knowing that I haven't accidentally broke the ToS. Because of my personal experience, I trust Noabux. I don't know what is going to happen in future, but for now, it is good enough for me.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
7 Mar 11
I have just requested my 7th payout. My pay,ment details are already there because I completed them in my account information. The amount I will receive appears as "$NaN" due to an error after the upgrading in my opinion but after submitting my request it is now pending. I will inform when it arrives
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@zralte (4178)
• India
7 Mar 11
Do put up the payment proof. A fiddly 1 cent is all I need to cash out. I will be requesting cashout tomorrow.
@zralte (4178)
• India
8 Mar 11
Now I have reached my cashout...and yes, I got the same '$NaN'. Do you think I should still submit it?
@bacchu30 (585)
• India
5 Mar 11
Go to 'Personal' submenu under 'Settings' Menu. There you will find input box to fill your payment account.
@bacchu30 (585)
• India
5 Mar 11
Oh sorry! I am drunk now. I read it wrong. I thought it was neobux. Sorry again. I am not a member of naobux.
@Marmot (590)
• United States
6 Mar 11
I haven't try to cash out from Neobux till now, I invest my money for rental referrals, but it seems not a good idea because those guys don't work hard
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
6 Mar 11
The problem may happen because they just updated their script two days ago. There may be other few problems to be solved, but I think they will all be solved in time. I've been paid by them and I received the money in less than 24 hours. I don't think they are a scam site, as the admin is active in the forum and you can see this by yourself. Have you tried to ask a question about your problem in Noabux forum?
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
11 Mar 11
If u have reached payout, there's no way u can withdraw your earnings from that site. Maybe that site is experiencing some glitch or some maintainence, thus explaining the inability to update? U can try waiting for a few days before requesting for payment again. IF it still doesn't work, it means that site is a scam for sure.