How will you lose some weights?

@edsss17 (4394)
March 6, 2011 6:38am CST
Nowadays, a lot of people want to lose their weight. Because they think the proportion of their body isn't right. How about you? Do you want to lose some of your weights and why?
3 responses
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
7 Mar 11
Yes i absolutely wanna loose some weight. This winter I have gained a bit of weight and would like to loose them before summer arrives. I wanna look like before and go to the beach =) I am trying to loose weight. I exercise and go running early in the morning.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
7 Mar 11
OH! You wanna look sexy again? You're doing the right thing.. Don't forget to eat some healthy foods and drink a lot of water! Best exercise you could do is walk. Walk can prevent heart attack.. If you are going out and it is not far away from where you are located maybe its better to walk :)
• South Korea
8 Mar 11
Hey thanks for the tips. I will definitely try and walk more =) have a good day..
• Philippines
6 Mar 11
As of the moment, I am trying to lose some weight 'cause I know that I am not feeling so good about my self anymore, not only on the physical aspects but also with my health. I feel that if only I could have a healthier and well fit body, my immune system would go stronger and that would really benefit every aspect of my life whether it be work, family and friends.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
6 Mar 11
Very well said.. Its true that if you have a healthier and well fit body your immune system would be stronger and it will also make you look good everywhere you go and whatever you do!
@mtrguanlao (5522)
• Philippines
7 Mar 11
Oh no,I don't want to,lol! I wanted to gain weight bunso but my problem is my tummy is getting big which makes me unsexy,oh my,hehe! Well,I guess genes have to do for some wanting to be fat,my family and most of my relatives are slim that's why I consider it as hereditary,don't know if it has something to do with it,need to research on it,hehe! I believe people especially women these days are conscious of their body and health that's why lot of people are into losing weights. See yah!